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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS21 May 2023Newsopportunities

Austria (IST Bridge) - Postdoc fellowships in Science and Technology

banner for the IST Bridge call

Are you eager to perform cutting-edge basic research in an international environment? Do you want to push the frontiers of science and work with supervisors and colleagues that are among the best in the world? 

The IST-BRIDGE program at Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) offers fully funded (two-year) postdoctoral fellowships for highly qualified candidates who have completed or will soon complete their PhD or equivalent in the natural or computer sciences, mathematics or any related discipline.

IST-BRIDGE postdocs’ careers will be enhanced by a flexible ‘career-tracks’ training program and optional non-academic secondments, placements in ISTA research support units, and academic secondments to outstanding international BRIDGE Network partners.

Benefits of an IST-BRIDGE fellowship

  • International, Interdisciplinary, and Intersectoral fellowship program
  • 2-year, fully funded postdoctoral position (optional extensions for placements/secondments)
  • Profiled competency training: 4 flexible ‘career-tracks’
  • Optional BRIDGE placements and secondments
  • ‘Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow’ title – internationally recognised mark of research excellence



  • All research fields supported at ISTA will be eligible (see
  • At the date of the deadline, applicants must hold a PhD (or equivalent) or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience and anticipate the completion of their PhD degree before the start of their fellowship (which should not be later than ~7 months post-deadline – see guide for applicants). A fellowship contract will not be issued until a copy of the diploma/proof of successful defense is provided.
  • Applicants cannot have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Austria for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately prior to the call deadline.
  • Researchers already employed at ISTA at the call deadline are not eligible to apply.

The IST-BRIDGE program has two primary goals: Excellent basic research and tailored postdoctoral researcher career development. Research projects covering all fields at IST are welcome: the research areas and potential host supervisors can be found here. In the case of interdisciplinary research projects, a secondary host may also be nominated.

BRIDGE Network: BRIDGE fellows have the opportunity to receive additional world-class academic research training at a BRIDGE Network partner institute: Francis Crick Institute (UK), Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (JP), Rockefeller University (US), Weizmann Institute (IL). These institutes not only offer researchers the freedom and resources to focus on curiosity driven research, but are committed to supporting postdoctoral researchers and developing early-stage PIs. Fellows may propose a 3 month Academic Secondment hosted by a BRIDGE partner Research Group, providing access to exceptional training and networking opportunities.

More information

Next deadline: 5 November 2023