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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS18 Aug 2022Newsopportunities

Postdoc fellowships at the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG), in Germany


The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) awards fellowships to international postdocs in European history, the history of religion, historical theology, or other historical disciplines.

The IEG funds research projects on European history from the early modern period until 1989/90.

We are particularly interested in projects

  • with a comparative or cross-border approach,
  • on European history in its relation to the wider world, or
  • on topics of intellectual and religious history.


This fellowship is intended to help you develop your own research project in close collaboration with scholars working at the IEG. Your contribution consists of bringing your own interests to bear on the work of the IEG and its research programme "Negotiating difference in Europe". This includes the possibility of developing a perspective for further cooperation with the IEG. If for this purpose a promising application for third-party funding is submitted, an extension of the fellowship is possible.


The IEG Fellowship provides a unique opportunity to pursue your individual research project while living and working for 6–12 months at the Institute in Mainz. The monthly stipend is € 1,800. Additionally, you can apply for family or child allowance.


During the fellowship you are required to reside at the Institute in Mainz. You actively participate in the IEG's research community and the weekly colloquia. We expect you to present your work at least once during your fellowship.

Who? Applicants must have completed their doctorate no more than three years before taking up the fellowship. We expect proficiency in English and a sufficient command of German to participate in discussions at the Institute.


Please combine all of your application documents into a single PDF except for the application form and the digital copy of your dissertation. Please send your application to Letters of recommendation should be submitted directly by the referees. You may write in either English or German; we recommend that you use the language in which you are most proficient.

The IEG encourages applications from women. Please download the application form here: Please direct your questions concerning the IEG Fellowship Programme to Joke Kabbert:

more information here

Deadline: 15 October 2022. For IEG Fellowships beginning in April 2023 or later.