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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS7 Apr 2022Newsopportunities

Postdoc fellowships for excellent researchers from the humanities, cultural studies, and the social sciences, in Germany - Thyssen@KWI


The Thyssen@KWI Fellowship addresses excellent researchers from the humanities, cultural studies, and the social sciences. It is most generously funded by the FRITZ THYSSEN FOUNDATION:


International researchers are invited to apply as well as scholars of German nationality if they provide excellent international contacts and work experience. We are inviting research fellows with a completed PhD and several years of post-doctoral research expertise. The fellowship can be offered to applicants in all disciplines represented in the current KWI research agenda. The KWI (Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut) in Essen provides fellows with modern infrastructure, office space, technical support, and offers a library service, event and research management as well as support in all administrative and communicative regards.


Fellowship for the duration of 6 months from 1st of October 2022 until 31st of March 2023.

Thyssen@Fellows will receive fellowship contract (not a full-employment contract) and a monthly allowance of 4,000 € (pre-tax) meant to cover rent, insurances and living expenses. We cannot provide additional allowances to cover school fees or related expenses. Travel expenses for arrival at KWI and for departure after the fellowship can be partially reimbursed.


  • Candidates will have a completed PhD plus several years of postdoctoral experience. We expect applicants to work on a project that differs from their PhD research.
  • International researchers are invited to apply as well as scholars of German nationality if they provide excellent international contacts and work
  • Candidates will have a strong scientific track record (including publications in respected international journals or other comparable publications; participation in and organization of international conferences). We welcome applications from candidates with a proven record of third-party funding and/or with experience in science communication and/or public humanities.
  • The fellowship should be dedicated to research linked to one or more of KWI’s focus areas and consistent with its interdisciplinary agenda. Various project formats are possible: You might devote your time in Essen to finishing a book or a special issue, finalizing a research proposal or setting up a research group. We also welcome plans to establish or substantiate collaborations with the universities of the Ruhr Alliance.
  • We expect the Thyssen@KWI Fellow to be present at the institute at least 4 days a week. The fellow will be expected to participate in entry and exit interviews.
  • The Thyssen@KWI Fellow is requested to actively take part in the ColloKWIum, lectures, conferences, reading groups and other academic events at KWI. Moreover, we expect the fellow to contribute to the KWI Blog.
  • The Thyssen@KWI Fellow is invited to actively take part in academic events at the KWI and will have the opportunity to design outstanding discussion formats with prominent researchers.
  • The Thyssen@KWI Fellow is not expected to teach, but always welcome to inspire our teaching laboratory with new ideas or participate in lecture series and seminars at surrounding universities.
  • Publications deriving from the time of residence should mention the KWI and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.
  • Knowledge of German is not required since the Fellowship Programme relies on a strong command of English.
  • We expect successful applicants to begin their fellowship on the announced starting date (1 October). Apart from changes resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, we cannot accommodate any postponements.

About KWI

The Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen, Germany, is an interdisciplinary research centre following the tradition of international Institutes for Advanced Study. In its role as an inter-university institution connecting the Ruhr-University Bochum, the Technological University Dortmund and the University of Duisburg-Essen, the institute works together with researchers and scientists from its neighbouring universities as well as other partners from the federal state NRW and places in- and outside of Germany. Within the Ruhr area, the KWI is a place to share and discuss the questions and results of ambitious research with interested parties from the city and the greater region.

more information here

Deadline: 29 April 2022.