With the Marie Skłodowska-Curie FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme about 15 fellows per year (juniors and seniors) from all disciplines are given the opportunity of spending three to twelve months working on their own research project at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), the international research college of the University of Freiburg.
Through the programme, the institute supports internationally outstanding researchers with academically excellent and innovative research projects through individual fellowships. The university welcomes top researchers from abroad to give their input to its scholarly community, both in terms of research expertise and benefitting the university’s vibrant research culture and diversity. The determining selection criteria in the merit-based, internationally oriented, peer-review selection procedure are the academic excellence of both the applicant and the project proposal. All fellows funded by the FCFP distinguish themselves by qualifying as Marie S. Curie Fellows.
The Marie S. Curie FCFP is intended for current or future leaders in their fields. The fellowships are awarded through a highly competitive, strictly merit-based selection process (expected success rate: ~15% of eligible applications). Applications are invited from academics of all nationalities. Note, however, that applicants may not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies etc.) in Germany for more than 12 months in the three years immediately preceding the call deadline. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
For the fellows, the programme offers outstanding research opportunities, not only in the research environment of an internationally highly competitive university, but also with the added advantage of being part of a community of fellows from different disciplines at FRIAS. Furthermore, they receive support for research mobility and become more familiar with the German and Upper Rhine research landscapes, thus enhancing their opportunities for continuing their career in the heart of Europe.
The University of Freiburg is one of the strongest research universities in Germany and member of LERU (the League of European Research Universities). FRIAS unites research in the humanities and social sciences, the natural and life sciences, engineering and medicine. Both the University of Freiburg and FRIAS take pride in a specific institutional culture that encourages and supports exchange and collaboration. It is the philosophy of FRIAS to support the career development of its fellows by integrating them into ambitious research communities here in Freiburg, as well as by supporting the international network of FRIAS fellows and alumni, such as through its FRIAS almuni club.
Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible, candidates must fulfill all of (1) the formal eligibility criteria and (2) the basic academic quality criteria.
1. Formal eligibility criteria
- Applicants must be in possession of a doctoral degree at the time of the application deadline;
- Junior scheme: completed PhD plus one to six years post-doctoral experience at the time of the application deadline (Time off for family or medical reasons or non-academic professional activities is not counted towards these six years, the effective elapsed time is calculated in accordance with the ERC Standard Eligibility Conditions)
- Senior scheme: completed PhD plus a minimum of six years post-doctoral research experience or a tenured professorship or equivalent permanent position at the time of the application deadline.
- Mobility rule: Researchers from all countries are eligible for the Marie S. Curie FCFP; however, applicants may not have resided or have carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in Germany for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately preceding the call deadline. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account.
- Applicants must submit the complete application dossier by the specified deadline. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Formatting rules have to be observed. Page limits may not be exceeded.
- The proposal must meet the standards of academic English in international research.
- Applicants must propose a research project that can be supported at the University of Freiburg (refers to infrastructural, technical and laboratory requirements, especially in the experimental sciences). Prior to submission of the application, experimental scientists are required to identify a host laboratory in Freiburg ( incl. letter of support) where their research project can be carried out.
- The research project must not be engaged with topics that are excluded from EU funding due to ethical issues.
2. Basic academic quality criteria
Minimum requirements for publication record:
Natural sciences/medicine/engineering:
- Junior scheme: 3 publications since 1 January 2019
- Senior scheme: 10 publications since 1 January 2017
listed in Web of Knowledge (Thomson Reuters).
Humanities and social sciences:
- Junior scheme: 5 publications since 1 January 2019
- Senior scheme: 10 publications since 1 January 2017
in peer-reviewed, internationally recognised journals, or chapters in peer-reviewed edited volumes, or peer-reviewed monographs (counted as three publications).
Check the full criteria at the website below.
Deadline: 15 August 2022.