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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS31 Jan 2022Newsopportunities

Post-doc fellowships in the fields of humanities, cultural studies and the social sciences, in Germany - KWI International Fellowships


KWI: The Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen is an interdisciplinary research institute for the humanities and social sciences in the tradition of institutes for advanced study. Located in the Ruhr area, KWI offers a space for independent and innovative research in the humanities as well as various opportunities to engage and include the public. Currently, research at KWI focusses on the following areas: literary and cultural sociology, cultural science studies, science communication and public humanities. Further projects are concerned with cultures of communication and political participation. KWI aims to foster innovative research questions, concepts and methods in connection with theories of philology, cultural studies and the social sciences. We are dedicated to pursuing our interdisciplinary agenda through international collaboration. An important contribution to our scholarly and political work comes from the Academy in Exile, offering research space to colleagues whose academic freedom is threatened.

Fellowship: The KWI International Fellowship Programme addresses excellent researchers from the humanities, cultural studies and the social sciences. The institute provides fellows with modern infrastructure, office space and technical support, also offering library service, event and research management as well as support in all matters of administration and communication.

Who? Candidates for fellowships will have a completed PhD plus up to six years of post-doctoral experience. Fellowships can be offered to applicants in all disciplines represented in the current KWI research agenda. The KWI International Fellowship Programme addresses international researchers. Researchers of German nationality are eligible to apply if currently employed at an international institute.

What? Fellows will receive a fellowship contract (not a full-employment contract) and a monthly allowance of 4,000 € (pre-tax) meant to cover rent, insurances and living expenses. We cannot provide additional allowances to cover school fees or related expenses. Travel expenses for arrival at KWI and for departure after the fellowship can be partially reimbursed. 

Fellowships for the duration of 6 months from 1 October 2022 until 31 March 2023.

more information here

Deadline: 28 February 2022.