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NEWS21 Sep 2023Newsopportunities

CAPES-Humboldt Post-doc fellowships in Germany for Brazilian researchers

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Webinar about the CAPES-HUMBOLDT call

28 September 2023 - 10:00 to 11:30 am

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Atenção Pesquisadores! – Attention, researchers from Brazil! The Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship supports you – postdoctoral researchers and experienced researchers – with your research in Germany.

In 2013, the Brazilian research funding organisation Capes (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation launched the Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme. As a fellow, you will benefit from individual support from the Humboldt Foundation and our diverse sponsorship portfolio.

What it is offered

The Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship allows you to conduct your own research at various stages of your career in collaboration with a host at a German research institution of your choice. Host institutes will generally receive a subsidy towards research costs.


Benefit from research sponsorship in Germany at the beginning of your academic career. The Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship for Brazilian postdoctoral researchers enables  you to conduct research in Germany. The monthly fellowship amount is €2 600. Fellowships may last from 6 to 24 months. 

Experienced researchers

You can still apply for research sponsorship in Germany even if you are already well advanced in your academic career. The Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced Brazilian researchers enables you to conduct research in Germany. The fellowship amount is €3 100. Fellowships may last from 6 to 18 months and can be divided into up to three stays within three years.

General conditions

In addition to the fellowship amount, you will also receive personal support throughout your sponsorship. Prior to your research fellowship, you and your marital partner will be able to attend an intensive language course. You are then flexible to determine the start date of your fellowship yourself. 

Further financial support, including family benefits for children and marital partners and allowances for travel expenses, is also available.

Alumni programmes

We stay in contact even after your research stay has come to an end. Our alumni sponsorship measures flexibly support every Humboldtian’s individual journey through life in both their careers and future research collaborations. A return fellowship or later visits to Germany are also possible.

You must meet the following criteria

The Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship addresses postdoctoral researchers from Brazil with above-average qualifications, regardless of their field.


Did you complete your doctorate within the last four years? Have you been published in academic journals and by publishing houses that are reviewed according to international standards? If so, and if you also fulfil the criteria under the “What is required of you” section, apply for the Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship for postdoctoral researchers.

Experienced researchers

Did you complete your doctorate within the last twelve years? Is your academic profile substantiated by an extensive list of publications in academic journals and by publishing houses that are reviewed according to international standards? If so, and if you fulfil the criteria under the “What is required of you” section, apply for the Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship for experienced researchers.

What is required of you

You must fulfil the following criteria to successfully apply for the Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship.

Nationality: You must be a Brazilian national or have permanent resident status in Brazil. German nationals are eligible to apply provided that they have been living and working in Brazil for at least five years and on the assumption of permanence.

Residency: You must be resident in Brazil and have lived outside of Germany for at least 12 out of the last 18 months. Confirmation that research facilities are available/host’s statement. A researcher from an academic institution of your choice in Germany will provide you with a mentoring agreement and written confirmation that research facilities are available as well as compiling a detailed review for you.

Confirmation that research facilities are available/host’s statement: A researcher from an academic institution of your choice in Germany will provide you with a mentoring agreement and written confirmation that research facilities are available as well as compiling a detailed review for you.

Language skills: Natural sciences and engineering: You must have a good knowledge of German or English. Humanities, social sciences and medicine: You must have a good knowledge of German if this is necessary for successfully conducting your research. Otherwise, good knowledge of English will suffice.


You must abide by the Rules of Good Scientific Practice (PDF) and the principles of scientific ethics.

You may not apply for the Capes-Humboldt Research Fellowship if you have already received sponsorship from the Humboldt Foundation. In such cases, our alumni programmes are open to you.

Important documents

More information

Deadline: 30 November 2023