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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS6 Jun 2022Newsopportunities

PhD Positions on Organic Semiconductors at European programme - TADFsolutions (MSCA)


TADFsolutions will train a cohort of dynamic researchers to devise, develop and implement sustainable solutions for improving the device performance of solution-processed OLEDs for display applications. In the 21st century, displays play a central role. They are embedded in almost every type of electronic device and it is difficult to imagine a world without mobile phones, monitors and televisions. The pervasiveness of displays is driven by the disruptive organic light-emitting diode (OLED) technology. There are, however, some structural weaknesses in state-of-the-art vacuum-deposited OLEDs. These include the use of scarce metals within the materials of the device and the reliance on energy-intensive and expensive vacuum deposition fabrication methods. Solutions are required to make these devices more sustainable from the choice of materials to manufacturing processes.

The 12 PhD scientists will undertake multidisciplinary research to meet this design challenge. Despite being cheaper, the current best solution-processed OLEDs (SP-OLEDs) still rely on scarce noble-metal based phosphorescent emitters and underperform compared to vacuum-deposited OLEDs. Starting from bespoke organic thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitter materials, the performance of SP-OLEDs will be maximized based on improved predictive models of charge transport, film processing techniques, and device structures. A strongly interconnected approach is required not only to effectively train the doctoral fellows but to meet the objectives. The TADFsolutions network consists of 8 leading European academics, 3 companies and 5 international partners that are equipped and experienced to not only confront the materials and device design challenges but to provide a robust multidisciplinary and intersectoral training environment to ensure that the DFs have the requisite skills, both soft and technical, to enter the employment market and contribute to securing Europe’s leading role in OLED materials.

This highly interlinked program gives a fantastic opportunity for the brightest young chemists, spectroscopists, theoreticians and device physicists to work together and learn complementary skills that will be in high demand from European OLED industries. Leading experts will give courses on core scientific skills along with soft skills and international secondments will be offered, all to properly prepare them for their future careers. They will be part of a network answering a real industrial need and help to secure the future of our European OLED industries in the global OLED materials arena.

The network comprises universities and companies in Germany, UK, France, Spain, The Netherlands and Switzerland. The positions include interdisciplinary training, internships in European and Non-European countries, summer schools and yearly international meetings.

Who? Applicants for the PhD positions must not yet have been awarded a PhD degree and must be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers prior to the recruitment. All applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the organization they are applying to for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment.

mroe information here

Deadlines vary between 30 June and 15 July 2022.