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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS26 Mar 2022Newsopportunities

PhD positions in Computer Science, in Austria - LogiCS@TUWien (MSCA)


LogiCS@TUWien is an interdisciplinary Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND doctoral programme at Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) that educates 20 PhD students for 4 years on logical methods in Computer Science and their applications, in particular to Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Verification, Algorithms, Security and Cyber-Physical Systems.

LogiCS@TUWien provides a training that is designed to encourage interdisciplinarity between the involved fields by joint seminars, scientific workshops, and compulsory courses outside the PhD students’ research fields. Apart from that, students will be involved in grant applications and conference organization. Each student will be supervised by two experienced and internationally renowned professors with different research fields.

The training will also provide a career development program, advice and support for students with innovative business ideas, and workshops for presentation and soft skills.

TU Wien is an internationally recognised center of excellence for these logical methods. Many resources have been invested in the last decade to establish TU Wien as a Logic in Computer Science powerhouse, and a multitude of existing grants, events, initiatives, and collaborations have contributed to our current recognition in the field.

Among them, a central role was played by the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 – the largest conference in the history of logic, the Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms, and by a doctoral school funded by FWF (2014-2022), which attracted not only a brilliant cohort of 78 mostly international doctoral students, chosen among 964 applicants, but also outstanding new faculty members in logic and related areas.

LogiCS@TUWien builds on this success story to institutionalise a high-quality doctoral training in computer science at TU Wien as a logic-hotspot in Austria and Europe, fostering scientific collaborations and pursuing innovative research


Eligibility criteria

  • At the Call deadline, all candidates for an ESR position must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and must not hold a doctoral degree.
  • The applicants are expected to have completed an excellent diploma or master’s degree at the Call deadline in one of the following subjects: computer science, mathematics, or a related field (i.e., computer engineering, business informatics, etc.). This will guarantee that the candidates have acquired fundamental education in a research area relevant to LogiCS@TUWien.

If you do not possess the qualification/degree entitling you to embark on a doctorate at the call deadline, please provide an official verification letter from your supervisor that your MSc Thesis will be completed by the date of employment:

  • Please note that – according to the guidelines of the Marie-Skłodowska Curie Mobility Rule – applicants for LogiCS@TUWien must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Austria for more than 12 months between May 1, 2019 and April 30, 2022.

more information here

Deadline: 30 April 2022.