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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS21 Feb 2022Newsopportunities

PhD fellowships in Computational Physics and Engineering - ENGAGE (MSCA)


The project “Enabling the next generation of computational physicists and engineers” (ENGAGE) is an interdisciplinary, intersectoral and multi-institutional project offering quality training to a total of 20 doctoral students in the fields of Computational High Energy Physics, Multiscale Systems and Synchrotron Light Applications. It aims to develop students’ competencies in High-Performance Computing, in methodologies at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science approaches and Quantum Computing.


Candidates need to have a BSc degree from an accredited institution in the fields of either Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Computer Science or any other relevant field and an MSc degree or equivalent in a relevant field. Candidates with computational background and skills will be considered to have an advantage.

The doctoral research will be carried out at the 6 ENGAGE Degree Awarding Institutions:

and the 6 ENGAGE Research Facilities

The list of supervisors in each institution can be found here

more information here

Deadline: 15 March 2022.