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NEWS14 Jan 2025News

MSCA PF - Find a host organisation in Europe


The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral fellowships call should open on 8 May 2025. Start getting ready now!

All details about the MSCA PF call here


Are you interested in a two-year postdoc stay in Europe funded by the European Commission to work on your dream project? Then the highly prestigious MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships be should be on your radar.

Latin American and the Caribbean-based researchers interested in doing a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Europe can submit a project to the MSCA PF call.

To apply for the fellowship, the candidate has to secure the support of a host organisation based in an EU Member State or a Horizon Europe Associated Country that is willing to host him or her for the duration of the MSCA PF fellowship. The host institution can be public or private, from the academy or not.

Where to find host institutions /supervisors in Europe to host your MSCA postdoctoral fellowship?

1. EURAXESS Hosting portal

Interested candidates who do not have a partner organisation in Europe may search for organisations wishing to host foreign candidates for the 2024 MSCA PF Call on the EURAXESS Hosting portal following the link below:


Many hosting offers include the option of attending a master class to support candidates in the proposal preparation!

How to find Hosting offers for MSCA PF


Examples of recent hosting offers (Expressions of Interest - EOI) in Europe from our database or received from our contacts:

2. Explore your own network, ask your supervisor, contact any institution of your interest in Europe to discuss your project.

Any public or private institution, academic or not based in Europe can host MSCA PF. In case of Global fellowship, the third country institution is considered as a partner institution.

Don't forget to browse in your bibliography.

3. Use the MSCA matchmaking platform.


4. Look at the Partner search tool on the Funding & Tender Portal


5. Watch the video recording of the webinars with potential hosts from 20 countries

EURAXESS Worldwide in collaboration with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions network of National Contact Points organized webinars where over 80 research institutions from 20 European countries pitched their hosting offers to potential researchers from around the world who are interested in applying for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship’s 2023 call (MSCA PF). Researchers from all EURAXESS Worldwide hubs were welcomed to register and attend. The webinars were held in English, where each institution had 5 minutes to pitch their hosting offer. Each research institution left their contact information at the end of their presentation (which you can find below), so you can reach out to them directly in case of interest.

The recordings of the webinars (divided by country) can be found below and on the YouTube channel.























Express the interest of your LAC entity to host MSCA applicants

How to host a MSCA GF in LAC

Researchers based in Europe have the possibility to carry out a postdoctoral stay in LAC or any other third country thanks to the MSCA Postdoctoral Global Fellowship. Why not at your university, research institute or company in LAC?

If you are willing to host Europe-based Marie Curie applicants, sign up your organisation with EURAXESS now and publish a hosting offer for free on the portal. Read here how to express your institution’s interest.



MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to experienced researchers from across the world.

Applicants need a doctoral degree by the time of the call deadline with a maximum of 8 years of research experience after completing their PhD.

All research areas can be funded. MSCA Fellows come from a wide variety of disciplines – from physics to linguistics, and from health-sciences to mathematical modelling.

Fellowships are held in the EU or associated countries and last for one to two years. In the case of Global Fellowships, researchers have an outgoing period of up to 2 years to any country in the world, including in LAC

MSCA PFs can also include a secondment period of up to 1/3 of the standard fellowship duration in another organisation worldwide.

Not familiar with MSCA PF? Read our news piece below: