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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS28 Oct 2022Newsopportunities

Junior Fellowships in the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy at FU Berlin, in Germany


The Rising Star Fellowship Program of the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy seeks to attract outstanding early-career researchers – especially those from abroad – who have completed their doctorates within the last four years. Successful candidates come to Freie Universität for a two-year research stay.

An additional fellowship is reserved for persons from developing or transition countries according to the OECD’s definition (excluding PR China and India). We look forward to receiving your applications!


Early-career researchers who have completed their doctorates within the last four years can apply for the Rising Star program. Research fellows may not have had any close relationship with Freie Universität prior to applying. Former doctoral graduates and employees of Freie Universität cannot be considered. The fellowship amounts to 2,500 euros per month for two years. Additional benefits for research costs, mobility, family members, and health insurance are available.

Applications will be accepted by the following deadlines:

  • May 31 (selection is expected to take place in July)
  • November 30 (selection is expected to take place in February)

The fellowship program is intended to forge new connections and to advance interdisciplinary research. The Rising Star fellows will take part in the research activities of their host research groups, will be integrated into existing research networks, and will publish their results together with them.

Researchers from Germany and abroad are welcome to apply. Applicants whose research projects span two research groups from two different institutes within the Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy (Institute of Biology, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Institute of Pharmacy) might have a higher chance of success in the case of equal qualification. Successful applicants may apply for a grant for one of the groups.


The fellowship is valued at 2,500 € per month for two years. Additional benefits for the Rising Star fellows are:

  • monthly mobility allowance of 100 € for conferences, research trips etc., no application necessary. (No other travel or conference support will be provided.)
  • allowances for accompanying family members (monthly allowance of up to 276 € for spouses; 204 € for each child, provided there is no entitlement to child benefit)
  • in the case of single-parents accompanied by children (400 € per month for the first child and 100 € per month for each additional child)
  • where applicable: a contribution towards health insurance amounting to 70 € per month.
  • a one-off subsidy of 800 € towards research costs for the host research group

more information here

Next deadlines: 30 November 2022 / 31 May 2023.