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NEWS17 Feb 2022News

France - Latin America & the Caribbean: PREFALC call for projects 2022 to support mobility


PREFALC is a university cooperation scheme aimed at developing exchanges and training opportunities between French, Latin American and / or Caribbean higher education institutions. It helps to support the mobility of lecturer-researchers for the realisation of seminars and training modules at master level. These modules must be clearly integrated into French, Latin American and Caribbean masters degrees and allow European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits or a recognition of periods of study.


Agronomic and ecological sciences, physical and chemical sciences; Humanities and social sciences, digital humanities; Medical sciences, human biology; Mathematical Sciences ; Earth and universe sciences; Information and communication sciences; Engineering Sciences.


France: The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the Foundation House for Human Sciences (FMSH).

PREFALC stands for Programme Régional France Amérique Latine Caraïbes.


PREFALC offers co-financing for 2-year projects of up to € 25,000 and up to 40% of the total budget of a project.


2 Years


Eligible projects must include a French higher education institution (or a network of institutions) and at least two higher education institutions from different Latin American or Caribbean countries.

Deadline: 27 April 2022


Call and more here