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NEWS3 Apr 2022Newsopportunities

EIT Food Innovator Fellowship 2022, in Belgium


EIT Food Innovator Fellowship aims to identify talents worldwide with creative and innovative potential, wishing to expand their skill repertoire through advanced training to develop an innovative idea with a significant impact on the agri-food sector.

The critical feature of the Innovator Fellowship programme is the creation of strong and multidisciplinary working teams, beginning with a Hackathon and continuing with two cornerstones of the programme:

  • One-to-one support to the teams by expert mentors to turn initial ideas into mature business propositions.
  • Two advanced training boot camps aimed to provide entrepreneurial competences and skills delivered by high-level trainers.

If you want to put your talent to the test and you’d like to know more about this programme, please find the details below. More information can be found on the Innovator Fellowship page. An upcoming webinar will provide further insights into the programme.

Should you need further clarification, do not hesitate to get in touch with us at .


Innovator Fellowship programme runs for about 6 months with intermittent commitments as shown in the programme structure.


Postgraduate diploma (or higher)

Post-Doctoral Fellows and Young Professionals must be, at the date of the call deadline, in possession of a doctoral degree or they must have a Master Certificate and at least four years of full-time equivalent research and innovation (R&I) experience.

If you are a PhD fellow, your PhD years will count as years of R&I experience!

Please read carefully the following document describing the F.A.Q.

Frequently Asked Questions – Innovator Fellowship 2022

more information here

Deadline: 31 May 2022.