As part of the I-SITE Excellence Program, the University of Montpellier is launching a call for projects "Support for international mobility - EXPLORE #4" in order to promote international exchanges and collaborations, increase the attractiveness and visibility of the site and contribute to the structuring of new initiatives.
The call for projects "EXPLORE#4 2022" is the first one launched after the confirmation of the I-SITE label obtained by the University of Montpellier, and in the framework of the I-Site Excellence Program (P.E.I). This call for projects has two components: (1) support for individual incoming or outgoing mobility and (2) support for collective outgoing mobility.
This call for projects is intended to promote international exchanges and collaborations, increase the attractiveness and visibility of the site and contribute to the structuring of new initiatives. The program is part of an overall project to build the university of tomorrow, which will remain open and non-exclusive. Therefore, any project exploring new international collaborations, meeting the general conditions and objectives of this call and presenting a significant added value for the P.E.I., may be considered for funding, including for agents whose themes do not directly correspond to the three pillars of Food, Care and Protection.
Collaborative projects with universities or privileged partners
As in previous editions, the EXPLORE#4 international mobility program observes a marked but not exclusive preference for collaborations with the P.E.I.'s privileged universities or partners - including non-academic ones - as well as the UM partners of the CHARM- EU project. Applications can also be based on existing mechanisms of the members of the P.E.I. active at the international level (see list described below).
Funded activities
This 4th edition of the EXPLORE program includes two distinct schemes, of interest to teachers, teacher-researchers, researchers, doctoral students, engineers, technicians or administrative staff.
#1 Individual inbound or outbound mobility
- for the exploration of new international collaboration projects by :
- Doctoral students, in order to prepare a professional project after the thesis
- Teachers, researchers, professors (tenured or contractual at the time of the mobility period)
- Engineers, technicians or administrative staff (tenured or contracted at the time of the mobility period)
#2 Collective outgoing mobility
- To develop new international collaborations (pedagogical, academic and/or scientific) for a group (maximum 5 people) from research and/or training structures within the P.E.I. perimeter (teachers, teacher-researchers, researchers, doctoral students, engineers, technicians or administrative staff). These collective mobilities aim at setting up a training cycle, building an international institutional partnership and/or developing a structuring research project.
As in previous editions, the EXPLORE#4 international mobility program has a marked but not exclusive preference for collaborations with the E.I.P.'s privileged universities or partners - including non-academic ones - as well as the partners of the European alliance CHARMEU.
The geographical areas and target countries are presented here: strategic partnerships - MontpellierUniversity of Excellence (umontpellier.fr)
NORTH AMERICA: Laval University, Quebec (Canada), University of California Davis (USA)
CENTRAL AND LATIN AMERICA: INTA (Argentina), University of São Paolo, (Brazil), Embrapa, (Brazil), CATIE (Costa Rica)
SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: U.Gamal Abdel Nasser, Conakry (Guinea), Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar (Senegal), University of Pretoria (South Africa)
ASIA - SOUTHEAST ASIA: Chinese Agricultural Academy of Science, Beijing (China)
EUROPE & MEDITERRANEAN BASIN: American University of Beirut (Lebanon), Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary), Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Rabat (Morocco), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), University of Barcelona (Spain), University of Porto (Portugal), Utrecht University (The Netherlands), Wageningen University (The Netherlands), Abo Akademy (Finland), Würzburg University (Germany) and Hochschule Ruhr West (Germany).
Deadline: 2 December 2022.