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NEWS17 Mar 2022News

Brazil-Europe: ENRICH in LAC funding guide on how to get funding from EMBRAPII to support RTI cooperation between Brazil and Europe


ENRICH in LAC, part of the European Network of Research and Innovation Centres and Hubs (ENRICH), just prepared a very useful funding guide for RTI cooperation between Brazil and Europe. Below you find the publication release:

International cooperation in research and innovation is not a choice but a necessity. Scarce funding resources, infrastructure, and most importantly talent should bring the countries together to solve the societal challenges of the 21st century together. The expansion of communication methods and tools brought researchers and innovators closer. Joint projects and publications and increased mobility of researchers became usual practice in the academic world.

While the academic world is unified, international cooperation became one of the most important tools for boosting competitiveness and tackling global challenges. Hence, relevant programs and activities become more visible in the portfolio of the national research and innovation support agencies, everywhere in the world.

On the other hand, international cooperation requires experience, patience, and good planning. The ENRICH in LAC Initiative prepared this Guide to support international cooperation endeavors of innovative Brazilian companies by explaining the steps of getting support from the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Research and Technological Innovation (EMBRAPII) as they participate in a number of bilateral and multilateral initiatives with European funding organizations. However, due to the different funding model of EMBRAPII collaboration opportunities are underutilized. This Guide clarifies the required processes and makes practical suggestions for Brazilian and European STI actors, mainly the innovative companies on how to engage and sustain bilateral/multilateral collaboration.

Although this Guide is prepared for Brazilian companies, European companies can also benefit from it by understanding the procedures at the Brazilian side and coordinate the collaboration process more effectively.

The Enrich in LAC initiative prepared step by step guide for Brazilian companies aiming to use EMBRAPII model for international cooperation. Detailed information about following the calls, identifying and approaching an EMBRAPII unit, finding international partners, securing financial contribution, proposal preparation and evaluation, execution, project evaluation and suggestions for European companies can be found in this guide.

Further information on how to get funding from EMBRAPII to support RTI cooperation between Brazil and Europe, can be found on Enrich funding guide.

The English version can be found here.

The Portuguese version can be found here.

Source: ENRICH in LAC