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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Publishing Your Book with Routledge in Social Science and Humanities



EURAXESS Japan is proud to have Routledge discuss "Getting your first (or next) academic book published - Tips for Social Science and Humanities researchers"

Considering publishing your first academic book or your first book in English? Would you like help getting your next book published with a top international publisher? This talk will guide you through everything you need to know to get your first (or next) academic book published. It offers top tips to help you succeed from a publisher and author’s perspectives, gives insights into the publication process, and provides additional resources to guide you whilst writing.

Topics covered include:

  • What commissioning editors are looking for
  • Where to start
  • Preparing a book proposal
  • The publishing process
  • Open Access book publishing options
  • Time for questions




Date & Duration
Tokyo, Japan




Simon Bates

Commissioning Editor – Social Sciences and Humanities

Routledge Books


Simon Bates is Routledge’s Asia-based Commissioning Editor for books in the fields of Political Science, History, Sociology and Geography. Simon has fourteen years’ publishing experience and has been based in Singapore since 2010. He routinely (when not grounded by Covid restrictions) travels around East and Southeast Asia, including visiting Japan usually once or twice per year.



EURAXESS Japan with Taylor&Francis Routledge