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Showing results 1260 to 1270
  • kiyoko

    Interview with Ms Kiyoko UEMATSU-ERVASTI

    Kiyoko is a doctoral student at University of Oulu in Finland. Kiyoko’s research examines the process of globalisation of education. She particularly focuses on surveying opinions amongst students in teacher education in Finland and Japan. She moved back to Japan in November 2015...
  • logo_ncn

    Poland: POLONEZ postdoctoral fellowships

    POLONEZ is a National Science Centre (NCN) funding programme addressed to incoming researchers of any nationality and discipline interested in doing research at polish research institutions. This is the second call of this programme. Candidates with a PhD degree or at least four years of full-time...
  • jeupiste_logo_lowdefinition

    Event: JEUPISTE at Kyoto Smart City Expo

    One of the major tasks of the JEUPISTE project was to provide networking/twinning opportunities for research and innovation communities in the area of “smart communities”. At this fair, JEUPISTE will be presenting EU-Japan projects related to smart communities/cities, the added value for EU-Japan...
  • daiwa_0_445_

    UK: Daiwa-Adrian Prizes for Scientific Collaboration

    The Daiwa Adrian Prizes are awarded in recognition of significant scientific collaboration between British and Japanese research teams in the field of pure or applied sciences. The Prizes, of up to GBP 10,000 (EUR 12,000), acknowledge research teams who have combined excellence in scientific...
  • royal_society_large

    UK: Royal Society’s International Exchanges Scheme

    This Royal Society scheme is for researchers in the UK who want to stimulate new collaborations with leading scientists overseas through either a one-off visit or bilateral travel. It covers all areas of the life and physical sciences, including engineering, but excluding clinical medicine. Both...
  • archimedes

    Estonia: Kristjan Jaak Scholarships (incoming and outgoing mobility)

    The Kristjan Jaak Scholarship programme supports incoming and outgoing mobility, both short and long-term, for master and doctoral students as well as for teaching staff. Scholarships are divided into four categories with varying deadlines. Estonian language proficiency is required to apply for a...
  • 7-1

    Japan: JSPS Fellowships Programmes for Research in Japan

    The Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) carries out programmes which provide overseas researchers who have an excellent record of research achievements with an opportunity to conduct postdoctoral studies, collaborative research, and short research stays in Japan. Researchers from...
  • embo

    Europe: EMBO Fellowships

    The European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) brings together more than 1,500 leading researchers within 27 Member states and promotes excellence in the life sciences. EMBO Long-Term Fellowships fund international postdoctoral research stays, while EMBO Short-Term Fellowships fund short...