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EU-Japan Digital Week 2025 pic
SUMMARY: The EU-Japan Digital Week, organised as part of the EU-Japan Digital Partnership, will bring together stakeholders from the EU and Japan to focus on key priority areas for both regions: 6G, Data Spaces, Smart Connectivity and Computing, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI). With a diverse programme of workshops and discussions, the event will contribute to a more connected and sustainable future. 

The Digital Partnership between Japan and the European Commission aims to advance cooperation on digital issues to foster economic growth and achieve a sustainable society through an inclusive, human-centric digital transformation based on shared democratic values. 

The EU-Japan Digital Week in Tokyo, Japan, takes place from March 31 to April 7, 2025, to support the EU-Japan Digital Partnership. 

The EU-Japan Digital Week will bring together stakeholders from the EU and Japan to focus on key priority areas for both the EU and Japan: 6G, Data Spaces, Smart Connectivity and Computing and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI). A policy workshop will also be organised in close consultation with the Delegation of the European Union to Japan to ensure that it reflects the shared priority of both regions and aligns with the strategic objectives of the EU-Japan Digital Partnership.  

With insightful workshops dedicated to Smart Connectivity and Computing, 6G Development, Policy, Trusted Data Exchanges, Data Spaces, and Trustworthy AI Applications, the event aims to foster dialogue between policymakers, industry leaders, and experts." and "By bringing together key stakeholders and facilitating discussions on these critical themes, the EU-Japan Digital Week aims to deepen EU-Japan collaboration and contribute to a more connected, innovative, and sustainable digital future.

By fostering dialogue on these critical themes, the EU-Japan Digital Week contributes to a more connected, innovative, and sustainable future for both regions. 



Date & Duration
Tokyo, Japan



"Smart Connectivity and Computing" WorkshopMarch 31, 2025-09:00to17:30(GMT+9, Tokyo)

The Smart Connectivity and Computing Workshop aims to bridge the gap between the European Union and Japan in the fields of cloud-edge computing and smart connectivity. This one-day, in-person event will bring together industry leaders, researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss the current landscape, share best practices, and explore collaboration opportunities in open-source technologies, industry verticals, and cross-cutting topics.  

Details and registration


"6G Horizons: Synergies for a Connected Future" WorkshopApril 01, 2025-09:00to19:00(GMT+9, Tokyo)

The "6G Horizons: Synergies for a Connected Future" workshop aims at fostering and deepening collaboration and partnership between the EU and Japan (and other Indo-Pacific countries) regarding 6G development. 

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Closed-Door Policy Workshop: "The EU-Japan Digital Partnership: Going Forward"April 02, 2025-09:00to14:00(GMT+9, Tokyo)

This event is by-invitation only. If interested, please contact Dr. Eva Pejsova (

The EU-Japan Digital Partnership (DP), in force since 2023, underscores the shared commitment and political willingness of both partners to join forces on key areas, including semiconductors, AI, high-performance computing and quantum, Beyond 5G, data governance and Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT), digital connectivity platforms, and cybersecurity. To support the ongoing process, the workshop will address several critical questions: 

  • ‘Drivers of Technological Innovation, Economic Security, and Sovereignty’: How can the EU and Japan sustain their technological edge and sovereignty amidst the intensifying strategic competition between the United States and China.
  • ‘Emerging Technologies and Security Cooperation’: What role do dual use emerging and disruptive technologies play in shaping EU and Japan’s evolving security postures and bilateral cooperation?
  • ‘Domestic Challenges and Policy Coordination’:  What domestic priorities and challenges must be addressed to advance technological collaboration and digital connectivity?
  • ‘Promoting Global Governance’: How can the EU and Japan champion responsible, human-centred, and sustainable global governance frameworks bilaterally and within existing multilateral frameworks? 

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"Trusted Data Exchanges: From Standards to Pilots in a changing world" Workshop April 02, 2025-14:00to18:00(GMT+9, Tokyo)

This workshop aims to explore practical implementation of trusted data exchanges, supporting the Memorandum of Cooperation on digital identities and trust services signed between the EU and Japan. This initiative builds on commitments made at the G7 Hiroshima 2023, where the Institutional Arrangement for Partnership (IAP) was endorsed to operationalise Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT). In 2024, the OECD released the G7 Mapping Exercise of Digital Identity Approaches, analysing commonalities between different frameworks, including those of the EU and Japan, and calling for pilot projects to test key standards.

By linking standards such as the ongoing work of ETSI on digital identities and data solutions, and the emerging dataspaces promoted by Japan’s Digital Agency, the session will: 

  • Provide a deep dive into the adoption of key standards for data exchange across borders, particularly in urban environments.
  • Explore the opportunities and challenges in creating trusted data ecosystems that allow cities to securely share and leverage data for public services, infrastructure management, and citizen engagement.
  • Bridge the gap between European and Japanese approaches to trusted data exchanges, examining collaboration opportunities and sharing pilot projects.
  • Facilitate discussions on pilot initiatives that are aligning with the global shift towards data spaces and digital transformation in urban settings. 

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"Data Spaces – or the Story How to Make Business from Data in a Legal Fashion" Workshop April 03, 2025 09:00toApril 04, 2025 18:30(GMT+9, Tokyo)

This workshop aims to introduce participants to the concept of data spaces, their architecture, stakeholders, and role in digital transformation, with a focus on addressing interoperability challenges. It aims to explore business models for data spaces, highlighting best practices and successful case studies. The workshop will discuss regulatory and ethical considerations for data sharing, emphasizing trust, standardization, and governance of data flows between EU and Japanese data spaces. It will also provide practical guidance on interoperability, encouraging joint EU-Japan pilot projects. Finally, the workshop seeks to foster EU-Japan collaboration and facilitate cross-border networking among industry, manufacturing, and technology leaders.
 Details and registration


"Critical Applications of AI in Industry, Healthcare and Other Sectors" Workshop April 07, 2025-10:00to18:00(GMT+9, Tokyo)

To exchange on good practices and challenges in the development of AI applications where reliable and highly accurate functioning is critical due to the potential for severe consequences in case of failure. These applications, found in sectors such as transportation systems, industrial production, and digital healthcare, require AI systems to operate with extremely high reliability to prevent accidents, patient harm, or significant financial losses. The workshop will explore how to ensure robustness, safety, and trustworthiness in such critical AI systems.

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INSPACE and partners
Contact Person
Dr. Svetlana Klessova, INPACE Project Coordinator, sklessova(at)