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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

European Research Nights 2019



Evening social & networking events
for the European research community of Japan

register for ern#7 here!


What are these events?

The European Research Nights 2019 (ERN 2019) are evening social events co-organised by EURAXESS Japan and associations of European researchers in Japan.

They aim to bring together the European research community currently based in Japan to discuss research, careers and relation to Europe.

The ERN 2019 events will be held at regular intervals along the year, with the objective of providing more informal, social opportunities for the European community to interact.


Event features

The ERN are evening events designed to provide local communities with a get-together opportunity, and to discuss specific topics of general interest to researchers of all disciplines, nationalities and career stages.

They feature a limited number of speakers with specific experience or ideas relevant to the topic of the day, who provide expertise through presentationsand participation in panel discussion sessions.

They are social and informal by nature -- all profiles, all questions & discussions welcome!


Parent event: European Research Day

In 2019, the European Research Day (ERD) will be an opportunity for all associations board committes,members, and independent researchers based in Japan to get together, network, discuss, improve and increase their reach and activities by working together. Details will be announced at a later stage


check ERD and ERN past editions here




Collaborative Research
A to Z

Monday 22 April 19:00 ~ 21:30
Pivotal Labs Tokyo (access)


This edition is co-organised with the Association of Italian Researchers in Japan. It will focus on collaboration in research: why and how to perform national, international or academia-private sector collaborative research projects? What is the particular interest of collaboration with Europe? Experienced Italian and Japanese speakers will provide valuable feedback through a series of talks and a panel dicussion.


Speakers & panelists:

Piero Carninci

Deputy Director, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences

Born and educated in Italy he obtained his doctoral degree at the University of Trieste in 1989. From 1990 to 1995 he developed technologies for DNA extraction and DNA sequencing at Talent, a spin-off biotech.

He moved to Japan in 1995 at RIKEN and became tenure researcher in 1997. He has been developing technologies to capture full-length cDNAs, which were used for the construction of the FANTOM projects.  Between 2008 and 2013, he was a Team and Unit Leader and a Deputy Project Director at the RIKEN Omics Science Center. He has developed technologies to analyze the transcribed part of the genome (transcriptome), such as the cap-trapper and the CAGE. These technologies have been broadly used in the RIKEN FANTOM projects and allowed identifying non-coding RNAs as are the major output of the mammalian genome and providing comprehensive maps of the mammalian promoters.

From 2013 to 2018, he was Director of the Division of Genomics Technologies and Deputy Director of the RIKEN Center for Life Science Technologies. Subsequently, he became Deputy Director of the RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences in April 2018. He is currently focusing on broad profiling of lncRNA functions in the FANTOM6 and expression of RNAs in the Human Cell Atlas projects.

He has published more than 320 papers and book chapters, edited books and is a member of editorial boards of various scientific journals.




Hiroyuki Tanaka

Professor, Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo

- Full Professor at the University of Tokyo

- Director of the International Muography Research Organization of the University of Tokyo

- Head of the Center for High Energy Geophysics Research of the Earthquake Research Institute

- Japanese Coordinator of the Horizon 2020 MSCA-RISE collaborative programme INTENSE (awarded in 2018)




Enrico Traversa

Science and Technology Attache, Embassy of Italy in Japan

Prof. Enrico Traversa in 1986 got his “Laurea” (Italian Doctoral Degree), Summa cum Laude, in Chemical Engineering from the University of Rome La Sapienza. From March 2013 he joined the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) as Professor of Materials Science and Engineering. From April 2012, he is the Director of the Department of Fuel Cell Research at the International Center for Renewable Energy, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. He joined the University of Rome Tor Vergata in 1988. From January 2009 to March 2012, he was a Principal Investigator at the International Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA) at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Tsukuba, Japan, leading a unit on Sustainability Materials. Since 2005 he is Graduate Faculty at the University of Florida, USA, and in 2010-2012 he was Adjunct Professor at Waseda University and at the University of Tokyo, Japan.

Since 2017, he is working at the Embassy of Italy in Japan as the Science and Technology Attache.




Shuji Hashimoto

Senior Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Waseda University

Shuji Hashimoto is a Professor Emeritus of Waseda University. He was a Professor with the Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University. He was the Director of the Humanoid Robotics Institute, Waseda University for ten years since 2000. He served as the Senior Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost of Waseda University since 2010 untill 2018.

He is the author of over 400 technical publications, proceedings, editorials, and books. His research interests include "KANSEI" information processing, image and sound processing, artificial intelligence and robotics. He is a member of major academic societies including IEEE, RSJ(Robotic Society of Japan and JFace(Japanese Academy of Facial Studies).

He was awarded in 2018 the title of Commander in the Order of the Merit of the Italian Republic, which is the country’s highest ranking honor and is bestowed upon those who make a major contribution to Italy in the fields of sciences, arts, philanthropy and more.

The award recognized Vice President Hashimoto’s research achievements in robotics, including his contribution to the Japan-Italy cooperation in the fields of science and technology, particularly in humanoid and service robotics; the promotion and realization of a joint laboratory between Waseda University and Italy’s Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies; and the development of various systems suitable for communication between humans and machines, such as image and digital audio analysis systems for humanoid robots.

Professor Hashimoto also worked on KANSEI (emotional) information processing in computer music systems together with Italian researchers including Professor Antonio Camurri of University of Genova who invited him to join the FP7 projects.





Pivotal Labs Tokyo

18:30 doors open, 19:00 start & welcome address
Experience feedback talks: 20' each (including Q&A)
Panel discussion start ~20:30
21:00 Networking session
22:00 wrap-up

Finger food & light refreshments available,
Please feel free to bring your own food & drinks!




Host organisation:




You the researcher, the evaluator, the decision-maker


Monday 10 June 19:00 ~ 21:30
Embassy of Spain, Tokyo (access)


This edition is co-organised with ACEJapon, the association of Spanish researchers in Japan. It will focus on research evaluation: how are research projects, grants proposals evaluated? How are built research & innovation funding policies? This edition will feature two interactive role-play sessions where participants will have to act as research proposal reviewers in a first step, before receiving theoretical input from the Spanish expert Jesus Rojo Gonzalez (Research Foundation Madri+d), and have a second roleplay session as decision-makers.


Research Evaluation expert:


Jesus Rojo Gonzalez, NCP for MSCA, Spain

Jesús Rojo González holds a degree in Geography and Urban Planning, Master in Cartography, GIS and Remote Sensing, a Postgraduate Degree in European Initiatives and Programmes and Master in Intellectual Property, Competition and New Technologies. He has extensive experience in managing R&D projects and programmes, particularly in European and International projects. He is currently the head of unit for Technology Transfer and European Programmes at Fundación madri+d.


Since 1998 he has developed his professional activity in several European countries related to the implementation and management of international projects in Environment and Space Sciences. In June 2007 joined the Fundación madri+d developing several activities from European Project Manager, EU training in programmes or the EURAXESS Service Centre in the Region of Madrid.

In December 2013 he was appointed National Contact Point for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Horizon 2020 Actions, advising and informing universities, research centres, companies and individual researchers about the programme, as well as organising information days, workshops and proposal reviews.

Since 2015 he coordinates the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) madri+d in the Community of Madrid, a European project that supports the internationalisation of SMEs and institutions in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation.

LinkedIn profile



Library, Embassy of Spain, Tokyo


18:45 doors open, 19:00 Introduction & Ice-breaking
19:30 Role-play workshop 1: 'You, the evaluator'
20:15 Expert input
20:45 Role-play workshop 2: 'You, the decision-maker'
21:30 Networking & wrap-up

Please feel free to bring your own food & drinks!

Registration here





Host organisation:





Public engagement, communication & research impact


Monday 7 October 20:00 ~ 22:00
Carl Zeiss Japan, Tokyo (access)


This edition is co-organised with JSPS Club, the association of German-speaking researchers in Japan. It will focus on public engagement, science communication and research impact outside of academia. This edition will feature three input talks from Japanese (JSPS and JST) and EU side as well as experience feedback from two foreign researchers in Japan in the field of public engagement.
This edition directly follows the annual meeting of the JSPS Club on the same day, at the same venue. You may also attend this event (separate registration needed, check details at JSPS Club)



Naho Fukuda, JSPS

Kumiko Okawa, JST

Dr Matthieu Py, EURAXESS

Dr Toni Maier, Waseda University

Dr Anna-Lisa Varri, University of Tokyo


Carl Zeiss Japan, Tokyo



19:45 doors open, 20:00 Welcome address

20:10 Japan's funding agencies actions towards public engagement: JST case

20:30 Japan's funding agencies actions towards public engagement: JSPS case

20:50 EU's push for public engagement in Research and Innovation policies

21:10 Experience feedback: publicengagement from the practitionners' point of view (2 speakers)

21:40 Networking

22:00 Wrap-up

Please feel free to bring your own food & drinks!

Registration form





Host organisation: