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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

European Research Day 2018




European Research Day 2018

29 September (Saturday) 10:00 -19:00
Italian Cultural Institute Tokyo





What is this event?

The European Research Day 2018 (ERD 2018) is the fourth edition of an event organised by EURAXESS Japan, which aims to bring together the European research community currently based in Japan to discuss research, careers and relation to Europe.
The 2018 edition is kindly supported by the Italian Cultural Institute Tokyo, which will host the whole event.
The ERD is a one-day workshop featuring presentations by researchers from the European research community of Japan, discussion panels on issues of relevance for Japan-Europe mobility and research cooperation & careers; while fostering networking among participants and representative of European countries participating in the European Research Area.


Event features

The ERD is a unique opportunity for European researchers and researchers from any nationality interested in Europe to network and discuss careers.

Speakers in the Researchers' Sessions (selected through a call for abstracts) can showcase their research, present their career path and expectations and provide insight on their relation to Europe; which attendees can learn a lot from.

Attendees can also learn from topic-oriented Special Sessions, focused on items of interest to international research careers and relation to Europe. This year, these sessions will be taken in charge by five associations of researchers: the Association of Italian Researchers in Japan, the JSPS Club (German), Sciencescope (French), ACEJapon (Spanish), and the Marie Curie alumni Association.

Both speakers and attendees may find new ideas for their research, increase their network for collaborative projects, and maybe even find their next lab or institution!





Organisers of Researchers Associations Sessions

Host and Support



Call closed on 29 August!

Who can submit an abstract?

This event is for and by the European research community of Japan.

This includes researchers, citizens of any country covered by EURAXESS*; as well as researchers from other nationalities (including Japanese) who have had a long-term (one or more years) experience in Europe; or who have concrete plans to relocate to Europe at a short or mid-term.

*[the EU-28 and Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, FYRoMacedonia, Iceland, Israel, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey, for a total of 40 countries]

Applicants must be currently (i.e. at the time of the event) active in Japan at a recognised university or research institute/centre, public or private sector.

The call is open to researchers of all career levels from PhD students onwards (PhD students, postdocs, associate professors, professors, etc.) and from all scientific disciplines including social sciences and humanities. Note that researchers, professors, scientists, experts who do not hold a PhD but have a full-time research experience of at least 3 years can apply too.

Researchers who were selected for a contribution at the ERD 2017 cannot apply.

Finally, participants must be willing and able to participate to the ERD, that will be held in the form of a one-day event in Tokyo on 29 September 2018.

Apart from exceptional cases (students without dedicated budget for example), there will be no reimbursement for travel and accommodation fees.


Description of the call for abstracts

The abstract must contain three clearly defined parts:

  1. The researcher’s own project (research work)
    [one third of all content]

  2. Feedback on the researcher’s career so far and particularly on his/her perception of the difference between Japan and Europe: his/her grant or employment conditions, working atmosphere, etc. Future career plans and reasons: industry in Japan or elsewhere? Academia in Europe? Etc. The hurdles and difficulties toward these plans, as well as some hints as to how to overcome these difficulties would be most welcome. This part must provide information that may be valuable to the European research community active in Japan.
    [one third of all content]

  3. The researcher’s current relation to Europe: are there ongoing cooperation projects with previous or other labs in Europe? Are there short or mid-term relocation plans to Europe? If yes, what kind of funding is used to implement ithe project(s)? If not, is there a special reason (lack of funding for example)? Would Europe be attractive --or not-- for a future position and why? Etc... (creativity welcome!)
    [one third of all content]

These three parts are of equal importance. They will all be used by the organisers to select the speakers. Once (if) selected, the researcher will be provided with a 20 minutes slot for a talk, which will in turn reflect the contents of the abstract.
The abstract submission deadline is 29 August 20:00 Tokyo time.


How to submit?

The abstract submission is 100% online. Please prepare your abstract in advance and copy/paste it in our online form. Several items must be filled-in to complete the application:

1. Personal information

  • Contact information
  • Full name, affiliation & position
  • Nationality (if non-European, years of experience in Europe)

2. The abstract itself

  • Part A: pitch your research
    [limited to 1000 characters including spaces (excluding citations)]
  • Part B: showcase your career path & expectations
    [limited to 1000 characters including spaces]
  • Part C: discuss your relation to Europe
    [limited to 1000 characters including spaces]
To include images, please upload them to an online platform and provide us with their URL.

3. (optional) CV & personal projects

  • Post a link to your online redacted CV (pdf), personal website, ResearchGate, LinkedIn or other platforms.

By submitting an abstract, the researcher engages himself/herself to come to Tokyo for the event on 4 December if he/she is selected.








Special Sessions:

These sessions will give way to various associations of European researchers in Japan, and to the Marie Curie Alumni Association.

Researchers Associations Session 1: Association of Italian Researchers in Japan

RIG, Ricercatori Italiani in Giappone, is an online community with a closed FB group page.

RIG is a community that aims to serve the Italian scientific and technological researchers in Japan, supporting adaptation and peer-to-peer collaborations through direct networking.

The community was founded in 2015 by a small group of long(ish)-term resident researchers and has been growing steadily in these 3 years from about 15 members to nearly 100. The community is growing in its scope as well as its presence in the social networking, thanks to its recent connection to RIE, the wider community of Italians Researchers around the world.

The idea is to make this community more formal and grow from a voluntary-based managed community to a formal and officially recognized non-profit association, similar in its scope and range of activities to the other associations of researchers. The upgrade to official association would bring the community to the next level, making it easier to organize special events and research activities, advertise and acquire more members, offer professional support and consulting for all problems a scientific researcher in Japan may face.

This session is divided in 3 parts:

1. "Researchers associations in Japan: Why are they important?"
Speaker: Sarah Cosentino, Associate Professor at Waseda University and admin of RIG.

2. “Enhanced possibilities through RIG”.
Speaker(s): direct experience of 1-2 researchers in Japan who increased their possibilities thanks to RIG networking.

3. Panel discussion: suggestions, wishes, proposals for a growing RIG community.
Moderator: Sarah Cosentino.


Researchers Associations Session 2: ACEJapon (association of Spanish researchers)

ACE Japón and RAICEX

ACE Japón, the Association of Spanish Researchers in Japan, is a non-profit organization that serves to the Spanish scientific community in Japan, facilitating the adaptation, offering networking and promoting collaborations between organizations.

The Association has been around for 4 years now and it has grown in its scope and activities, as well as its presence in the social networking and international relevance (RAICEX, a newly founded network of Spanish Researchers around the world).

During this session we will talk about 3 topics:

  1. Update on our goals and activities.
    Speaker: Ángela Ares, postdoctoral fellow at Marine Biophysics Unit in the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), and secretary of ACE Japón.

  2. How do we reach the community and society? Our social networking tools.
    Speaker: Ana San Gabriel, science communication general manager, Ajinomoto Inc., and community manager of ACE Japón.

  3. RAICEX: Network of Associations of Spanish Researchers Abroad.
    Speaker: Susana de Vega, senior researcher and assistant professor, Juntendo University, Tokyo, and chairwoman of ACE Japón.

Researchers Associations Session 3: JSPS Club (association of German speaking researchers)

The German JSPS Alumni Association is the oldest Alumni Association of scholars of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science on the globe, founded in 1995. It covers all German speaking areas in Europe and is also active in Japan. Currently is has about 500 members from all scientific disciplines, 60 of whom are working in Japan. Japanese members are also welcome, if they have studied in the German speaking area. The purpose of the association is the to support scientists in the respective regions and strengthen the bilateral scientific exchange. The association works as an internal labour market, is a platform for social contacts of the members and tries to inform and advise responsible political institutions.
This session will present talks from different members of the Association:

Anatomy and physiology differ little between the members of the human race, but the practice of medicine and the health systems vary widely. In a time of globalization with physicians being confronted with patients from various cultural backgrounds, early exposure to unfamiliar environments and communication in foreign languages stimulates students to reflect on their future careers and to work on their communication competence.

It also gives them the chance to compare various aspects of the medical systems and medical treatment between the host countries and Japan together with their peers from abroad. They are encouraged to forge relationships with their overseas acquaintances that many consider the highest benefit of their training program as these bonds may last for decades.

Speaker: Dr. med. Wolfgang R. Ade, Professor, Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine




Researchers Associations Session 4: Sciencescope (association of French speaking researchers)

Sciencescope, the French Researchers and Students Organization in Japan, is a non-profit organization (association loi de 1901) established since 1993 in Japan. The main objectives are to enforce the relationships between the French-speaking research community in Japan from all disciplines and citizenships, and share meaningful information among the community. To this end, Sciencescope organizes research events throughout the year and especially the French Research Day since 1997, or the Seminar for French Researchers in Kansai since 2016. All these events intends to promote research discussions among researchers, students, engineers, officials, company representatives or any interested person and to present their activities in Japan.

For the European Research Day 2018, Sciencescope is organizing a session aiming to present its activities and offer some opportunities for partners to present their work :

1- Sciencescope : Presentation and overview of our activities
Speaker: TBA

2- Hello Tomorrow! – Presentation of the Tokyo Hub and startup Challenge
Speaker: Jean-Dominique François (Hello Tomorrow!)

3- The Flying Octopus Stories: Research and Photography
Speaker: Cecile Laly - CREOPS and International Research Center for Japanese Studies)
“The Flying Octopus Stories” is a project focusing on the Japanese kite culture. Japanese Kites saw their golden age during the Edo period, but since the second half of the 20th century, their use and production have been continually decreasing. Today, only a few workshops around Japan are still producing them. The risk of disappearance is growing.
“The Flying Octopus Stories” project, which is both an academic and an artistic project with research performed in collaboration with an art-photographer, intends to highlight and preserve the history and diversity of Japanese Kites.

4- Sciencescope Round Table: Next Challenges for Sciencescope




Researchers Associations Session 5: Marie Curie Alumni Association

We will present the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA), its Working Groups, and Chapters. We will discuss the opportunities and benefits of active membership, such as travel grants, awards, participation to the annual MCAA Conference and General Assembly, opportunities to participate in and shape science policy in Europe but also internationally, mentoring, and opportunities to interact with fellow minded researchers. We will also discuss the basic rules for establishing MCAA Chapters and the benefits of having such a Chapter.

After a quick introduction about MSCA by the S&T Section of the Delegation of the EU to Japan, a representative from MCAA as well as former MSCA grantees will participate in this session:

- Prof. Renaud Jolivet, CERN, Experimental Physics Department // MCAA, Board Member
- Dr. Shinya Shoda, Senior Researcher, Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Japan // Honorary Visiting Fellow, Department of Archaeology, University of York, UK // MSCA IF Fellow 2014-2016, PONTE project, Department of Archaeology, University of York, UK
- Prof. Ichiro Minami, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden // MCA ITN Fellow (FP7), 2011-2012, Project MINILUBES, Austrian Center of Competence Tribology
- Dr. Yuichi Tamura, Director of Pulmonary Hypertension Center, International University of Health and Welfare Mita Hospital, Tokyo // MCA COFUND (FP7) Fellow, 2012, Project RESPIRE 2, Universite Paris-Sud, France



Researchers Sessions

Researchers Session 1 speakers:

Giorgia Longobardi

Post-doc, Next Generation Power Electronics Research Center, Kyushu Institute of Technology




Bo Thomsen

Post-doc, Theoretical Molecular Science Laboratory, RIKEN




Paolo Mele

Professor, SIT Research Laboratories, Shibaura Institute of Technology

I hope that, in the effort of internationalization of the academics, Japan universities, research agencies, and private foundations will improve the “English interface”. This will surely increase the number of European researchers choosing to keep stay in Japan. From my side, the plan is to contribute, as European researcher based in Japan, to build extensive EU-Japan network and submit bilateral research projects.




Renée Schulz

Post-doc, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University




Researchers Session 2 speakers:

Federica Gotta

Post-doc, Graduate School of Engineering and Design (Major in Architecture), Hosei University




Juliette Schwak

Associate Professor in International Relations,Tokyo International University




Jan Geldsetzer

Post-doc, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University




Michela Riminucci

Translator (freelance) & Lecturer/PhD candidate in European Union Law, Kobe University

For the last 5 years, I have been trying to develop my own research in an interdisciplinary way that links legal studies to area studies. In the beginning, I chose to focus on comparative labor law (especially dismissal rules) because I believe that comparing is the best way to experiment different legal solutions to similar issues. After coming to Japan, I have started developing the concept of legal resilience meant as the capacity of a legal system to adapt to change (1). I have therefore published a few writings connected to legal change as a response to social change, specifically on the integration of migrant workers in the EU (2) (6) and the introduction of labor law in Japan (3). More recently, I have started focusing on the stimulation of change through legal means, such as anti-discrimination legislation (4) and Industry 4.0 policies (5). In the next years, I plan to elaborate on the topic of legal culture in connection to change, also across the borders of countries.


(1) Riminucci Michela. “Resilient Japan: Legal Adaptability and Migration.” In Biopolitica dell’immigrazione [Bio-politics of Migration], edited by Marco Calabrò, Luigi Ferrara, Matthias Theodor Vogt. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang (2016) [peer-reviewed]
(2) Riminucci Michela. “A New Path to Integration: Re-thinking Citizenship in the European Union.” Kobe University Law Review International Edition 49 (2015): 209-218
(3) Riminucci Michela. “L’introduzione del diritto del lavoro in Giappone: profili storici e giuridici” [The Introduction of Labor Law in Japan: Historical and Legal Aspects]. In Riflessioni sul Giappone antico e moderno - vol. III [Thoughts on ancient and modern Japan, vol. 3], Collana di Studi Giapponesi [Japanese Studies Series], edited by Paolo Villani, Luca Capponcelli, Naomi Hayashi. Roma: Aracne editrice (2018) [peer-reviewed]
(4) Riminucci Michela. “Il diritto del lavoro e le riforme possibili: due esempi dal Giappone” [Labor Law and Possible Reforms: Two Examples from Japan]. In Orizzonti giapponesi: ricerche, idee, prospettive [Japanese Horizons: Research, Ideas, Perspectives], Collana di Studi Giapponesi [Japanese Studies Series], edited by Matteo Cestari, Gianluca Coci, Daniela Moro, Anna Specchio. Roma: Aracne editrice (forthcoming 2018) [peer-reviewed]
(5) Riminucci Michela. “Industry 4.0 and Human Resources Development: A View from Japan.” In E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies 7 (2018) [peer-reviewed]
(6) Riminucci Michela. “EU no kaifukuryoku” [Resilient Europe]. In EU no yuragi [The EU in Turmoil], edited by Noriyuki Inoue and Masahiko Yoshii. Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō (2018)


Check the programmes of the previous editions here:
ERD 2017 proceedingsERD 2015 proceedings     ERD 2016 proceedings


Come early for good seats!

10:00 Welcome remarks

10:15 Researchers Associations Session 1

11:00 Researchers Session 1

12:20 Lunch break

13:30 Researchers Associations Session 2

14:15 Researchers Associations Session 3

15:00 Coffee break

15:30 Researchers Session 2

16:50 Researchers Associations Session 4

17:35 Short break

17:50 Researchers Associations Session 5 (partly via videoconference)

18:45 Closure & networking buffet