
This event brought together more than 60 people from various horizons, interested in innovation or already involved in startups.
In the morning, five projects participated in a pitch contest with as first prize an invitation and flight to Paris, France for the finals of the Hello Tomorrow Challenge in October. Each of the projects (out of which several were already incorporated startups, see our event webpage) had 10 minutes to present the problem they address, their service or technological solution, their team and business plan. The winner of the contest, as determined by a jury of experts (see event webpage), was the RemindHeir project, a digital asset manager.
In the afternoon, experts from all around the globe provided the audience with an overview of the innovation policies and landscapes of Europe; explained the differences in IP management between Japan and Europe; and gave valuable insights on ways to convince potential investors. Discussion and exchange of insights between the audience and speakers continued through the lunch break and evening reception.
Thanks to all the speakers, participants in the pitch contest, jury members, and of course all the attendees (and Accenture Japan, who supported the event all along), this event was a big success. We are looking forward to future editions!

This event was jointly organised by EURAXESS Japan, the EU-Japan Technology Transfer Helpdesk (a service of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation), and French Tech Tokyo in collaboration with Hello Tomorrow Challenge.

Event supported by Accenture Japan Ltd.

- Date & Duration
- -
- Location/Venue
- 2 Chome-11-7 Akasaka, Tokyo, 107-0052, Japan
- Name
- EURAXESS /EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation) / French Tech Tokyo
- Contact Person
- japan[at]euraxess.net