The fifth edition of the EURAXESS Japan Tour 2017 will take place at Kobe University on 19 September.
This will be a very special edition, featuring a session dedicated to European Research Council grants (including the newly launched Synergy Grants) by Dr Voilley, Research Programme Officer for the ERC in Brussels, Belgium.
In addition to that, the event will feature a detailed overview of the Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions grants for individual researchers at the pre- and post-doctoral level.
Check this page regularly for updates!
Venue: Kobe University, Rokkodai Campus, Takigawa Memorial Hall, Large Conference Room (瀧川記念学術交流会館大会議室)
Language: English
Info and pre-registration for individual consultation:
web: kobe-u.ac.jp/en/NEWS/event/2017_09_19_01.htmlor mail: intl-relations{-at-}office.kobe-u.ac.jp
- Date & Duration
- -
- Location/Venue
- Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
10:00 Welcome address || Prof. Yoshida, Kobe University
10:05 Why go international with EU grants? || Dr Py, EURAXESS Japan
10:15 Opportunities for Doctorates and Post-docs in Europe via the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions International Training Network and Individual Fellowships || Dr Py, EURAXESS Japan
11:00 Opportunities for excellent, experienced researchers with the ERC Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy grants || Dr Voilley, European Research Council
11:50 Feedback from a Japanese researcher who participated in an ERC team || Dr Furumi, Kobe University
12:00 Closure & short break
12:10 Individual consultation session (ERC & MSCA; priorregistration required)
~13:30 end
- Name
- EURAXESS Japan / ERC / Kobe University