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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

ERC Synergy Grants Info Session








A EURAXESS Japan event:
ERC Synergy Grants Info Session

15 September 17:00 - 18:30

EU Delegation Tokyo

Minamiazabu 4-6-28 | ACCESS

With the participation of Dr Voilley,
Research Programme Officer, European Research Council



What is this event?

This is a special event on the occasion of the launch by the European Research Council of a new type of grants: the Synergy grants. These grants sanction bigger and longer projects (up to 10 million EUR and 6 years duration), require joint application and collaboration between different Principal Investigators (2 to 4); but require less total working time on the project (30%).

A quick overview of the ERC grants scheme will be followed by a thorough introduction of the Synergy grants to allow attendees to compare them.


Who is the target audience?

This event is of interest to mid- to advanced- career researchers and professors, URAs, research management and international cooperation professionals; and in general to any researcher based in Japan interested in knowing more about the ERC Synergy grants before this year's first call.


About the ERC grants

The European Research Council (ERC) is a funding organisation for frontier research. It aims to stimulate scientific excellence in Europe by funding the very best, creative researchers of any nationality and age, and supporting their innovative ideas. Researchers from anywhere in the world can apply for ERC grants provided the research they undertake will be carried out in an EU Member State or Associated Country. ERC grants are becoming more and more internationally recognised as awards for scientific excellence.

Research projects funded by the ERC can last up to five years and can cover frontier research in any scientific domain, including social sciences, humanities and interdisciplinary studies. The grants may help both emerging research leaders ('ERC Starting Grants' and 'ERC Consolidator Grants') and already well-established and recognised scientists ('ERC Advanced Grants'). Find out more about the different ERC grants.

If you are moving to Europe from a third country, you can apply for additional funding, which can total up to €2 million for a Starting Grant (instead of €1.5 million for those already established in Europe), €2.75 million for a Consolidator Grant (instead of €2 million) and €3.5 million for an Advanced Grant (instead of €2.5 million).

There are three calls per year according to each category. The upcoming call deadlines are: 31 August 2017 (Advanced Grants), 17 October 2017 (Starting Grants); 11 November 2017 (Synergy Grants), 15 February 2018 (Consolidator Grants); .

Further materials on ERC grants:

Grants details, Possibilities from Japan, Tips & tricks for application, Interviews of grantees on EURAXESS website

Official ERC website

Guiding principles of the ERC Synergy grants

・ A small group of PIs (2 to 4) with a designated corresponding PI can apply for funding.

・ Scientific excellence is the sole criterion on the basis of which ERC grants are awarded.

・ Applications must demonstrate that the proposed research cannot be carried out by a single PI working alone.

・ Synergy grants aims to tackle truly bold scientific challenges through a unique combination of skills and knowledge of the PIs.

・ Applications can be made in any field of research.

・ PIs from anywhere in the world can apply for an ERC grant.

・ Host Institutions must be established in an EU Member State or Associated Country.

・ Grants are awarded to the corresponding Host Institution that employs and hosts the corresponding PI, while other PIs may be engaged by different Host Institutions.

・ Grants are awarded for up to 6 years, with a normal grant size of up to EUR 10 million, with an additional up to EUR 4 000 000 in special cases.

・ Each of the PIs shall spend a minimum of 50% of their total working time in an EU Member State or Associated Country,and a minimum of 30% of their total working time on the ERC project..






Host & Support:

Delegation of the European Union to Japan

EU delegation Japan thumb





ERC Speaker:

Dr. Nicolas Voilley, Research Programme Officer, European Research Council


After a Master in biochemistry, molecular biology and neurology, Nicolas Voilley obtained a PhD in molecular and cellular biology and pharmacology at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France, in 1995. After a postdoc at the University of Montreal, he became a team leader at the French CNRS, investigating new therapeutic targets against pain and inflammation. At the same time, he was member of several European working groups and boards of experts on the career of young researchers. He also presided different organizing and scientific committees for international congresses. He joined the European Research Council (ERC) of the European Commission in Brussels in 2007 at the time of its creation. He was strongly involved in the setting up and implementation of the evaluation processes. Initially involved in several sectors of research in life science and in humanities, he is now leading the neuroscience sector, in particular coordinating the evaluation of applications and ensuring the scientific follow-up of projects.



Additional speakers:

Dr. Matthieu Py, EURAXESS Japan

PhD in 2011 in materials science from CEA-Leti, France. Experience as a researcher both in Europe and in Japan. From 2013 he shifted towards international relations for research and innovation. As coordinator of the EURAXESS activities in Japan, he is working twards improving the exchanges between Japan and Europe for researchers, and their projects.


Dr. Tom Kuczynski, Delegation of the EU to Japan

PhD in Economics from Hiroshima Shudo University, Japan, completed in 2006. Until 2012, worked at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Japan (First Secretary) covering STI. Since 2012, working as a science advisor at the S&T section of the EU Delegation to Japan, responsible for issues related to the research cooperation between the EU and Japan.

EU delegation Japan thumb

Prof. Dai Aoki, CEA (France), Tohoku University

Specialist of condensed matter physics. 2000 PhD degree at Osaka University, 2000-2002 Postdoc at CEA-Grenoble (France), 2002-2007 Assistant Prof. at IMR, Tohoku University, 2007- Researcher at CEA-Grenoble, 2010-2015 ERC project (ERC starting grant 2009, project NewHeavyFermion), 2012- Professor at IMR, Tohoku Univ.






Doors open at 16:30

17:00 Welcome address

17:05 Horizon 2020 overview || S&T Section, Delegation of the EU to Japan

17:15 EURAXESS services useful for your ERC projects || EURAXESS Japan

17:25 Presentation of ERC Synergy Grants || Dr. Nicolas Voilley, ERC

18:15 Feedback on my ERC grant || Prof. Dai Aoki, CEA-Grenoble / Tohoku University

18:30 Wrap-up



















Date & Duration
Tokyo, Japan





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