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NEWS8 Jul 2021NewsFundingItaly

CALL FOR PROSPECTIVE PhD STUDENT APPLICATIONS. Academic Year 2021/2022 - 37th Cycle in Italy


Sapienza University of Rome announces the exam-based open call for admission to the 37th cycle of PhD programmes. The Annex A indicates:

the list of the website of each PhD programmes, reporting All the information about the exams (dates, places, documents required and evaluation criteria) together with the web site, the name of the coordinator, the available positions and scholarships will be indicated on the PhD course website and on the Italian version of the call.


What is funded


The fellowship amounts to €15.343,28 gross per year and it is paid on a monthly basis and includes National Insurance Contributions (INPS) which fellowship recipients are required to pay.


The amount of the scholarship will be increased by 50% for research periods spent abroad that have been previously authorized by the PhD Programme Coordinator. Scholarships are non-cumulative and cannot be

combined with other grants, except for those awarded by national or foreign scientific institutions for activities related to study or research periods spent abroad.


The fellowship amount awarded by other universities and private and public institutions will be only granted if Sapienza receives the due amount.


Starting from the second year of the programme, a further 10% will be available for research periods in Italy and abroad. If a scholarship holder is not admitted to the next year or irrevocably waives the fellowship or the entire PhD course, the residual amount of the fellowship can be assigned according to art. 6 of General University Regulations in matter of PhD.


Students earning more than €16.000,00 gross per year are not entitled to scholarships.


All cases of total or partial incompatibility for scholarship benefits are ruled by university regulations. In case of

incompatibility, students will have to reimburse the amount of money unduly received. Reimbursements refer to an academic year or fraction thereof. Students cannot be awarded the doctoral fellowship twice.


PhD programmes last three years.


Applications are accepted from candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold an Italian laurea specialistica, laurea magistrale or any equivalent academic second-level degree issued by Artistic and Musical High Education institutions (AFAM) or any equivalent academic degree obtained abroad (generally equivalent to a Master Degree). Applications are also accepted from candidates who expect to receive their degree by October 31st , 2021. Candidates who do not hold their degree at the time of the application are admitted “with reserve” until they obtain it.


The Evaluation Board will ascertain the equivalence of each academic degree obtained abroad to the relevant Italian degree for the sole purpose of this call, or in the frame of inter-university cooperation and mobility agreements.


Admission is conditional to reception of relevant degrees by the indicated deadlines.


Students currently enrolled without a fellowship can participate to competitive exams for the same PhD programme they are already attending, but, if admitted, they cannot enrol unless they formally resign their doctoral position with the relevant Doctorate Committee.



The application must be completed by July 20th, 2021, at 2.00 p.m. (Italian Time).


In order to apply, candidates must access and click on “PhD PROGRAMMES” and follow the instructions.


The payment of the examination fee is available through the Pago PA system which is accessed directly from the application. The fee must be paid by July 20th, 2021 at 11.59 p.m. (Italian Time).


The application is correctly submitted only if the system displays the message “pagamento effettuato/fee paid and the symbol ✓ appears under “pagamento/payment” and “documenti/documents”.


Detailed instructions are available at


Any claims related to malfunctioning of the informatics system in close proximity to the deadline will not be accepted; candidates are recommended to complete the application sufficiently in advance in order to allow the office in charge to guarantee any necessary support.


Please note that the paper copy of the application form and of the bank payment must not be delivered to the PhD office. Applications that are not submitted as described herein will be rejected.


Please note that the University will check the veracity of the self-statements presented by the candidate. If the control ascertains the falsity of the declarations, the candidate will be excluded from taking the admission test or, if in the list of nominees will be declared lapsed, without prejudice to the criminal prosecution as for art. 76 of the law n. 445/2000.




In order to submit an application candidates with a foreign academic degree must also submit:

  • Candidates with an EU academic degree: Self-declaration affidavit

    with signature (“dichiarazione sostitutiva di certificazione e/o

    dell’atto di notorietà” according to art. 46 and art. 47 of D.P.R.

    445/2000) of academic degree with a full list of exams and grades, in

    Italian or English.

  • Candidates with a non-EU academic degree: a legalized translation of

    the academic degree into English or Italian with a full list of all

    exams and grades obtained.

Applications lacking any of these documents will be rejected.


Admission tests

Aim of the exam is a valid comparison among the candidates. The detailed procedure is available on the courses website as listed in Annex A. Candidates have to prove the knowledge of a foreign language.


Candidates must be present at the date, time and location indicated on the website PhD course, without any further notice.


Should the candidate be enable to participate in the oral examination, he/she can ask to be evaluated by video conferencing. Foreign candidates applying as supernumerary can ask to be evaluated on the basis of a dossier. The request must be asked with adequate advance to the coordinator of the PhD course and the Examination Board can decide whether accept or refuse both requests.


ATTENTION. To participate, candidates must exhibit a valid ID/Passport. Only black ballpoint pens can be used on the written exam and admission exam papers must be anonymous and not provide any sign that could help identify a candidate or the exam will be void.


There is a single ranking also for PhD courses based on curricula. Applicants will be admitted to PhD programmes on the basis of the final ranking until all available positions have been assigned. If a candidate

does not reply to his/her admission invitation or accepts late, the following eligible candidate will be offered the position. A candidate admitted contemporarily to two or more PhD programmes must choose only one to attend.


Candidates who already have a PhD diploma can be admitted, after having passed the examinations, to another PhD programme, only if the scientific sectors of the two programmes are different.


Students cannot be awarded the doctoral fellowship twice.