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NEWS3 Dec 2020News

15 Early Stage Researcher positions available under the H2020 MSCA ETN project EvoGamesPlus in multiple locations in Europe


The Marie Skłodowska-Curie European Training Network – EvoGamesPlus (Evolutionary games and population dynamics: from theory to applications) invites applications for 15 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) / PhD positions, available with a starting date in the period July 2021 - September 2021 and application deadline in early 2021. The duration of the appointment is 36 months, on a full-time employment contract.

The EvoGamesPlus project focuses on the extension of evolutionary game theory to tackle medical, ecological and societal questions. We offer our ESRs training to become versatile researchers comfortable with the mixture of mathematical modelling, biological knowledge and expertise in computing and data analysis. We will pursue four research themes. The first theme concerns the modelling of structured populations, incorporating more realistic spatial and social interactions. The second theme considers important dynamical concepts, often neglected in favour of equilibria. The third theme focuses on the mathematical modelling of cancer and its treatment. The fourth theme considers ecological and epidemiological modelling where the focus is on structural complexity relating to the interplay of different timescales and the management and analysis of epidemiological data. Whilst specialising, all ESRs will gain knowledge in all of these important themes.

The EvoGamesPlus network comprises 15 beneficiaries from the academic sectors from 9 European countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, The Netherlands, UK) and further 15 partner organisations from both academic and non-academic sector from 7 countries (Brazil, France, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands, UK, USA).

A list of the ESR projects is presented below. For more detailed information about a particular project, see

The application & selection process might differ per organisation. When interested in some of our position(s), please write an email to the first supervisor listed next to the position to express your interest with your CV attached, preferably by January 31.

NOTE: Application dates and start dates vary. Please check individual ESR projects on our website for details as well as for specific / local acceptance requirements.

List of available ESR positions (+ host institutions & supervisors):

ESR 1: The evolution of cooperation in structured populations involving multiplayer interactions (City, University of London, Department of Mathematics, United Kingdom). Supervisors: Prof. Mark Broom ( and Dr. Andrea Baronchelli

ESR2: Eco-evolutionary dynamics of complex multiplayer and multiple games (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Department of Evolutionary Theory, Germany). Supervisors: Dr. Chatainya S. Gokhale ( and Prof. Arne Traulsen

ESR3: The evolution of cooperation in structured populations involving multi-level selection (Centre for Ecological Research, Institute of Evolution, Hungary). Supervisors: Dr. Ádám Kun ( and Dr. József Garay

ESR4: Criticality and self-organization of evolutionary game (Delft University of Technology, Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, The Netherlands). Supervisors: Dr. Johan Dubbeldam ( and Dr. Wim van Horssen

ESR5: Critical Transitions in Evolutionary Games (University College Cork, School of Mathematical Sciences, Ireland). Supervisors: Prof. Sebastian Wieczorek ( and Dr. Kieran Mulchrone

ESR6: The evolution of cooperation in populations involving multi-player games and time delays (University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Poland). Supervisors: Prof. Jacek Miękisz ( and Prof. Marek Bodnar

ESR7: Information theoretic aspects of modularity, self-similarity, and stability in multiplayer games on adaptive networks (Medical University of Vienna, Section for Science of Complex Systems, Austria). Supervisors: Dr. Rudolf Hanel ( and Dr. Peter Klimek

ESR8: Theory of Stackelberg evolutionary games for cancer treatment. (Maastricht University, Department of Data Science & Knowledge Engineering, Dynamic Game Theory eram, The Netherlands). Supervisors: Dr. Kateřina Staňková ( and Dr. Rachel Cavill

ESR9: Impact of different resistance mechanisms on the outcomes of cancer treatment game (Queen Mary University of London, School of Mathematical Sciences, United Kingdom). Supervisors: Dr. Weini Huang ( and Dr. Dudley Stark

ESR10: Evolutionary therapy in ovarian cancer (Queen Mary University of London, Barts Cancer Institute, United Kingdom). Supervisors: Dr. Benjamin Werner ( and Prof. Trevor Graham

ESR11: Data-driven support to understanding of complex dynamical physical phenomena, such as epidemics (University of Torino, Department of Computer Science, Italy). Supervisors: Prof. Maria Luisa Sapino ( and Prof. Matteo Sereno

ESR12: Models of evolution in network-structured populations (University of Liverpool, Department of Mathematical Sciences, United Kingdom). Supervisors: Dr. Kieran Sharkey ( and Dr. Kate Baker

ESR13: Waning of immunity due to pathogen evolution (University of Szeged, Bolyai Institute, Hungary). Supervisors: Dr. Gergely Röst ( and Dr. Tibor Krisztin

ESR14: Models of eco-evolutionary dynamics of population interaction networks (University of South Bohemia, Department of Mathematics, Czech Republic). Supervisors: Prof. Vlastimil Krivan ( and Dr. Luděk Berec

ESR15: Node embedding for epidemic spreading processes on temporal networks (ISI Foundation, Department of Digital Epidemiology, Italy). Supervisors: Dr. Daniela Paolotti (, Dr. Michele Tizzoni and Prof. Ciro Cattuto

Deadline for application: March 31 2021

For more details, click here.