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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Meeting of European Reseachers in Shanghai




EURAXESS China is organising a small informal meeting to discuss the upcoming activities for European Researchers in China on March 30, 16:30-18:00.

In the meeting we will have a conversation about the details of a 2021 version of the Forum for European Researchers in China and about the new Research and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Union, Horizon Europe.

The goal of this kind of a meeting is to get feedback from the community about these upcoming events for European researchers to ensure that the event plans are truly tailored to the participant's need. We also want to make sure to give European scientists early information about new initiatives of great importance, such as funding and new collaboration schemes.

Representative of EURAXESS China will be Country Coordinator Halldor Berg.

Please note that this meeting is only for researchers from countries belonging to the European Research Area (the 27 member states of the European Union, and Associated Countries, including the UK).

The meeting room can only fit 20 participants, so please make sure to register early to guarantee your seat.

The meeting will take place at WeWork, Weihailu in downtown Shanghai - same place as the European Researchers' Night in Shanghai. Coffee and tea will be offered.

This meeting is coorganized with RICE - Association of Spanish Researchers in China, and the AAIIC, the Association of Italian Researchers in China.



Date & Duration
Shanghai, China

