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Call for interest: European Research and Innovation Days China and the Forum of European Researchers in China



European Research and Innovation Days China, will take place at the the European Delegation in Beijing on 24 and 25 June.  The event will include the formal launch of Horizon Europe, the new Research and Innovation  Framework Programme of the European Union and a whole-day forum for European Researchers based in China (see news about previous forum in 2019). The event is organised by the Delegation of the European Union in China, through the EU-China Partnership Facility, and co-organized by EURAXESS China, in cooperation with the Scientific Diaspora Networks of EU member states in China.

All researchers from Europe that are based in China are invited to express their interest in joining and will be send invitations based on "first come, first served" and on the basis on balanced particpation of different types of European researchers. Express your interest by registering at this page as soon as possible and ensure your invitation. The organizer will cover travel and accomodation.

The event will include different activities, as described below:


Thursday 24 June

Launch of Horizon Europe

Friday 25 June

Forum of European Researchers in China



Group of people


Scientific Diaspora Meetings

Optional time for Scientific Diaspora Networks of EU Member states to meet and share experience.

Contact EURAXESS and find out if your country's Scientific Diaspora Network in China will be having a meeting.

Confirmed meetings of French, German, Spanish and Italian Networks.k



Customer review

Working groups at the EU Delegation

Six parallel transnational working groups will collect best practices when it comes to tackling challenges in China


Expected outcomes: Start of creation of Guide for European Researchers in China



Horizon Europe at the EU Delegation

Presentation of Horizon Europe (16:00-19:00)


Presentation of the new European international cooperation Communication for research and innovation


Participation in the online session on International Collaboration at the European Research and Innovation Days: A Global Approach to R&I – combining forces for bigger impact


Evening gathering: EU Ambassador to launch and celebrate Horizon Europe in China 19:30-21:00

Joint Session at the EU Delegation


- Keynote: presentation of the IPR brochure for European researchers in China




Thematic groups at the EU Delegation

Groups organized around thematic areas with researchers from different countries discussing around their field of research. This part of the forum will be in a hybrid format and open to online participants.


Expected outcomes: Permanent researchers groups organized around certain themes



Logistic arrangements for researchers based out of Beijing: Travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed to researchers not based in Beijing who are invited to take part to the two-day event upon presentation of relevant receipts.

To receive the invitation to this event, express your interest to attend by completing the online registration on this page (to do so, click on the “REGISTER” button on the top of this web page). We will contact you soon with more details.


Date & Duration
Beijing, China




Venue: Delegation of the European Union to China, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Thursday 24 June

Launch of Horizon Europe and reception

Venue: Delegation of the European Union in China

Time: 16:00-20:00

This activity will start with welcoming words by the EU Delegation and an introduction about the novelties of the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The attendees will then split into groups that will follow parallel virtual sessions on international collaboration organised in Brussels in the context of the EU R&I Days.

The day will be closed by a networking reception to celebrate the launch of Horizon Europe.


Friday 25 June

Forum of European researchers in China

Venue: Delegation of the European Union in China

Time: 9:00-12:00

Parallel working groups of researchers from different EU member states or associated countries will discuss different aspects of pursuing a research career and how to tackle the challenges to be faced in China.

The morning session will conclude with a joint session to collect the best practices and the introduction of the Guide on IPRs.


12:00-13:00 Luncheon


13:00 - 15:00

Joint session that will include a key-note speaker introducing the new IPR Guide for Guide for researchers in China.

15:00 - 17:30

The afternoon session will be hybrid, giving the opportunity to participate also to the European researchers normally based in China, but in Europe at the time of the Forum due to Covid-19 related restrictions. The session will be focused on different thematic groups, that will combine offline discussions between researches physically present in Beijing with those of the researchers connected from Europe.


The Delegation of the European Union, through the Europe-China Partnership Facility, co-organized by EURAXESS China