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Science Slam




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Convite Final Science Slam Brasil

EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil 2017 FINALS



...and the winner is....Arthur Domingos de Melo, PhD student at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)!!

...for his entertaining, funny and original presentation on bat pollination. Arthur used various examples of the popular Netflix series (Game of Thrones, Breaking bad, Orange is the new black etc.) to draw parallels between the main topics of his research and the various themes of the Netflix series. His presentation style was clear, well structured, easy to understand and entertaining, mixing good vulgarisation tools with good humour.

Arthur was awarded a free trip to Europe where EURAXESS Brazil will organise for him to meet with the counterparts of the European research institution of his choice!

More on the slam:

The five best candidates were invited by EURAXESS to attend the LIVE finals held on the amazing rooftop of the General Consulate of Italy in Rio de Janeiro on 25 October 2017 from 7-10PM, during the National Science and Technology Week.

Finalists presented a topic related to their research to an audience of non-experts. Their "Slam" was given in Portuguese in less than 6 minutes, often supported by video and audio material or PowerPoint slides.

The performances of the participants were judged by the audience and the jury of European and Brazilian researchers and communicators.


· Arthur Domingos de Melo, PhD student at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)

· Maria Eduarda Amaral Silva, Master student at the Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP)

· Marina Boni, Master student at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

· Max Fabiano Rodrigues de Oliveira, PhD student at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)

· Raquel Medialdea Carrera, Visiting at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (FIOCRUZ)


The 5 finalists participated in a workshop on scientific communication offered by EURAXESS Brazil in Rio de Janeiro the day before the finals. The workshop was given by professionals specialising in public/scientific presentations and took place at the French Consulate.

Finalists also received an individual coaching before the finals in order to perfect their skills.


The EURAXESS science Slam 2017 was organised by EURAXESS Brazil in partnership with the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the Brazilian Council of State Funding agencies Confap, Serrapilheira Institute and the Italian Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, with the support of Pint of Science Brazil and Dragões de Garagem.

EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil - support



About the EURAXESS Science Slam


« A science slam is a scientific talk where scientists present their own scientific research work in a given time frame - usually 10 minutes or less - in front of a non-expert audience. The focus lies on teaching current science to a diverse audience in an entertaining way. »

The EURAXESS Science Slam is a contest giving researchers the chance to showcase their research projects to their peers and the wider public in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. This science communication competition is organized by EURAXESS annually in different locations worldwide where the network is present (Brazil, China, India, North America).


Researchers (from masters students to advanced researchers) of all nationalities and research fields currently based in Brazil (including social sciences and humanities).



And the EURAXESS Science Slam winner 2016 is …



EURAXESS Science Slam winner 2016



André Azevedo da Fonseca, researcher and lecturer in Cultural History and Communication at State university of Londrina, UEL.

André won a free round-trip to Europe to visit any research organisation /institution of his choice within the European Research Area. Thus EURAXESS is providing him with the opportunity to meet his peers and discuss opportunities for collaboration and / or future mobility.

The other finalists were:

- Alessandra Xavier Bueno, UFRGS, Master student in Public Health

- Bruna Medeiros de Araujo, UNIFESP, Master student in Nutrition and Health

- Diego Nogues,UFPR, Master student in sustainable territorial development

- Gabriel Poesia Reis e Silva, UFMG, Master student in Cocktail offered by EURAXESS Brazil

All finalists were offered an online coaching and a free participation in the one-day science communication course given by some of the best communication professionals, including the organiser of TEDx Rio and Atila Iamarino. (More about the EURAXESS training event :, as well as their trip to Rio de Janeiro and a prize given by FAPERJ.

This year, we were honoured with the special participation of the famous scientist and communcator Atila Iamarino, from Canal Nerdologia.

The competition was supported by the Brazilian Academy of Science (ABC) and was be part of the National Science and Technology week (SNCT 2016) official agenda.

The live presentations were all amazingly original, instructive and entertaining. They are all available online on EURAXESS Links Brazil channel on Youtube here.

See also the pictures at



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Science Slam ?

What is a science slam?

A science slam is a scientific talk where scientists present their own scientific research work in a given time frame - usually 10 minutes or less - in front of a non-expert audience. The focus lies on teaching current science to a diverse audience in an entertaining way. The presentation is judged by the audience [and if applicable a jury]. A science slam is a form of science communication. (Source: Wikipedia)

EURAXESS Science Slam - What is it about?

The EURAXESS Science Slam is a contest giving researchers the chance to showcase their research projects to their peers and the wider public in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

This science communication contest is organized by EURAXESS Links annually in all EURAXESS Links locations (ASEAN, Brazil, China, India, Japan and North America).

In Brazil, the competition is open to researchers of all nationalities and from all fields of research, as from Masters students.

And the finalists are ...

After a careful analysis of the 43 candidacies submitted for the EURAXESS Science Slam 2015, the four best candidates have been selected to battle it out for the title of EURAXESS Science Slammer Brazil 2015 in the LIVE finals. The finalists are:

  • Leonardo Parreira Silva Nascimento, PhD student at UNIFESP
  • Maira Proietti, teacher at FURG
  • Fellipy Dias Silva, PhD student at USP
  • João Silveira, PhD student at UFRJ.
  • Andressa Santanna Natel, PhD student at USP Piracicaba

The fifth finalist is the winner of the "My research on climate and sustainable development in 180 seconds" competition, Andressa Santanna Natel, PhD student at USP Piracicaba, co-organized by the French Embassy to Brazil and EURAXESS Links Brazil, IRD, CIRAD, CNRS Brasil and other partners.

The 2015 edition was open to anyboby doing research in industry, research institutes or universities, even undersupervision, including Masters students, PhD candidates, researchers, university professors, senior researchers, from public or private universities, research centres, private sector,...

Finals - 22/10/2015 in Rio de Janeiro - Event broadcasted live

The event will be broadcasted on EURAXESS Brazil channel on Youtube.

The finals will be held at Casa da Ciência in Rio de Janeiro on 22 October 2015.

The final is part of the National Science and Technology week (SNCT) official agenda.

Each one of the five finalists will present a topic related to his/her research to an audience of peers and general public. The slam will be given in English or Portuguese in less than 10 minutes and can be supported by video and audio material, ppt. slides and any other kind of media available, as well as by scientific equipment.

The performances of the participants will be judged by the audience and the jury of European and Brazilian researchers and communicators.

At the occasion, the Brazilian neuroscientist Suzana Herculano Houzel, who is part of the jury, will also present her research on brain in a clear and entertaining manner.

Watch the event on streaming here.


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Assista à final do EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil na internet!

O evento será transmitido ao vivo e na íntegra no canal YouTube da EURAXESS Links Brazil: 

Sobre o concurso:

EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil 2015 é a terceira edição de um concurso que oferece aos pesquisadores ativos no Brasil a chance de mostrar seu trabalho, bem como talento oral e criatividade, para membros da comunidade científica e do grande público, em um clima descontraído.

O concurso é aberto aos pesquisadores de todas as nacionalidades e todos os campos de pesquisa.

Cada participante das finais - que ocorrerão no Rio de Janeiro, durante a SNCT (19-25 de outubro de 2015) - fará uma apresentação do seu projeto de pesquisa, em inglês ou em português, com duração de até 10 minutos. Os candidatos poderão fazer uso de material de áudio e de vídeo, slides ou qualquer outro suporte ou media, assim como equipamento cientifico.

As performances dos candidatos serão avaliadas pelo público e pelo júri, com base nos seguintes critérios: conceitualização, estilo e originalidade.

O vencedor ganhará uma viagem à Europa, onde encontrará com responsaveis em C&T na Comissão Europeia, junto com os cinco ganhadores dos EURAXESS Science Slams ASEAN, China, Índia, Japão e América do Norte. E ainda terá a oportunidade de visitar o instituto europeu de pesquisa de sua escolha!

Leia o depoimento da vencedora do EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil 2013 e descubra porque ela acha que você deve participar:

"O Science Slam 2013 foi uma grande oportunidade para apresentar o meu projeto de pesquisa de forma divertida! O maior desafio era explicar tudo em apenas alguns minutos e fazer o público rir. Eu realmente encorajo vocês a participarem da edição 2014!" Milene Möller (Universidade de São Paulo)

O vídeo promocional do EURAXESS Science Slam está disponível no YouTube!

Os candidatos precisam ter nível de inglês suficiente para usufruir dopremio que será outorgado ao vencedor do EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil 2015.

Veja aqui os depoimentos dos outros ganhadores dos EURAXESS Science Slams organizados em 2013 em ASEAN, China, Índia, Japão e América do Norte.


Charlotte Grawitz / Paulo Lopes

Representantes nacionais

EURAXESS Links Brazil:

Science Slam ?

What is a science slam?

A science slam is a scientific talk where scientists present their own scientific research work in a given time frame - usually 10 minutes or less - in front of a non-expert audience. The focus lies on teaching current science to a diverse audience in an entertaining way. The presentation is judged by the audience [and if applicable a jury]. A science slam is a form of science communication. (Source: Wikipedia)

EURAXESS Science Slam - What is it about?

The EURAXESS Science Slam is a contest giving researchers the chance to showcase their research projects to their peers and the wider public in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

This science communication contest is organized by EURAXESS Links annually in all EURAXESS Links locations (ASEAN, Brazil, China, India, Japan and North America).

In Brazil, the competition is open to researchers of all nationalities and from all fields of research, as from Masters students.

The EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil 2015 pre-selection campaign remains open until 15 September 2015.

The best 5 candidates will be selected to battled it out for the title of EURAXESS Science Slammer Brazil 2015 in the LIVE slam. Each one of them will have 10 minutes to present a topic related to his/her research, in English or Portuguese, using the media of his/her choice.

In 2015, the finals will be held on 22 October, during the National Science and Technology week. The event will take place at Casa da Ciência in Rio de Janeiro. The famous Brazilian neuroscientist Suzana Herculano-Houzel will participate in the live finals, where she will be part of the jury and will feature a special performance on her research, which recently yielded in a Brazilian article published in Science magazine.

Please read carefully these terms and conditions before submitting your candidacy!

In 2014, the EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil 2014 was in its second edition. The final of the Science Slam organized by EURAXESS Links Brazil was held on October 10, at Casa da Ciência / UFRJ in Rio de Janeiro.

Out of the 32 candidacies submitted for the EURAXESS Science Slam 2014, the 5 best candidates battled it out for the title of EURAXESS Science Slammer Brazil 2014 in the LIVE slam.

The finalists were:

  • Ailim Schwambach, UFRGS, PhD student in Science Education
  • Geisa Nogueira Salles, UNIVAP, PhD student in Biomedical Nanotechnology,
  • Rafael Chiuzi, USP, PhD student at Institute of Psychology
  • Tobias Jordan, UFPE, PhD student at the Polytechnic School
  • Vanessa Cardoso Pires, USP, PhD student at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Each one of them had 10 minutes to present a topic related to their research, in English or Portuguese, using the media of their choice.

Watch more pictures here.

The winner 2014

Vanessa Cardoso Pires, PhD student at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of São Paulo (USP) won this 2014 edition. She used theatre to present her research in a creative and accessible way. Her performance was presented by the death character, specialized in breast cancer and weaken by the researcher's work aiming at evidencing how blackberry consumption by parents can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer by their child.


All finalists were awarded a trip to Rio de Janeiro to join the finals, where they had the possibility to stay for the week-end. EURAXESS Links Brazil covered their return flights, hotel accommodation for up to 2 nights and local transport.

The EURAXESS Science Slam winner also won a free round-trip to Europe to

... improve her communication and leadership skills in a graphic facilitation training*...

... visit a research institution of her own choice within the European Research Area (ERA)....

... meet winners from across the world, make new friends and contacts in Europe!

The other 4 finalists received a book voucher of 300 reais each.



Jury 2014

The performances of the participants were judged by the audience and the jury based on conceptualization, style and originality. The jury was composed of :

  • Douglas Falcão, director of the department of popularization and dissemination of science and technology of the Brazilian S&T&I ministry;
  • Professor Ismar de Souza Carvalho, at UFRJ / Geology;
  • Dr. Fabiana Munhoz, from Research and innovation at L'Oréal Brazil ;
  • and the two EURAXESS Links Brazil country representatives.




The event was inaugurated by Ambassador Ana Paula Zacarias, Head of the EU Delegation in Brazil. Representatives of ERA member countries, such as Germany, Belgium, Ireland and Switzerland, were also represented. The Brazilian Government was represented by the director of the department of popularization and dissemination of scechnology of the Brazilian S,T&I Ministry, Douglas Falcão Silva, who put forward an invitation for the next editions of the EURAXESS Science Slams to be held in the context of the yearly National Science & Technology Week which is organised by his Ministry, recognising the significant impact of this event.

Representatives of FAPERJ, Casa da Ciência, UFRJ as well as journlaists, science communicators and the wide public also attended the event.

What the 2013 EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil winner has to say about her experience and why you should participate

Milene Möller (São Paulo University)

“The Science Slam 2013 was a really great opportunity to show my research project in a funny presentation! The most challenging was to explain everything in just a few minutes and also make the audience laugh! So, I really encourage you to participate in the Science Slam 2014 and have fun!!!”


For updated information (in Portuguese), visit us at!

Our last Edition!

EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil 2018 FINALS

Caroline Cayres, PhD student at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), was EURAXESS Science Slam 2018's winner. With a presentation where she mixed samba, sustainability and gluten-free cereals, Caroline caught the eye of both the audience and the jury.

Carolina was awarded a free trip to Europe where EURAXESS Brazil will organise for her to meet with the counterparts of the European research institution of her choice!

All the finalists' presentations were amazing and the overall result was a tight one. You can check all the presentations on our YouTube channel. Photos are available on our Facebook page (final & science communication training).

More on the Slam:

The EURAXESS Brazil representatives carefully analysed more than 100 candidacies submitted for the EURAXESS Science Slam 2018 and selected the 5 best candidates to battle it out for the title of EURAXESS Science Slammer Brazil 2018 in the LIVE slam held at the Italian Consulate in Rio de Janeiro on 17 October 2018.

On the eve of the event, a training day was organised by EURAXESS, where members of the scientific community could work together with specialists from different areas of science communication. This was done to help the finalists give a final touch to their presentations, as well as to encourage other attendees to better communicate about their research projects.

The 2018 edition finalists were:

  • Caroline Cayres, PhD student at UFRJ;
  • Guilherme Telles, Master’s student at USP;
  • Isabela Ramos, Researcher at Universidade Católica de Brasília;
  • Raimundo Soares Junior, Master’s student at USP;
  • Silvia Garcez, Master’s student at UESC and professor at IFBA.


The EURAXESS science Slam 2018 was organised by EURAXESS Brazil, counting with the support of the following partners:

  • Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  • Brazilian Council of State Funding Agencies (Confap)
  • Italian Consulate in Rio de Janeiro
  • Rio de Janeiro's State Research Funding Agency (FAPERJ)
  • Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC)
  • EU Delegation to Brazil
  • Swissnex Brazil
  • Rede de Pesquisadores
  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
  • Pint of Science Brazil

About the EURAXESS Science Slam


« A science slam is a scientific talk where scientists present their own scientific research work in a given time frame - usually 10 minutes or less - in front of a non-expert audience. The focus lies on teaching current science to a diverse audience in an entertaining way. »

The EURAXESS Science Slam is a contest giving researchers the chance to showcase their research projects to their peers and the wider public in a relaxed and joyful atmosphere. This science communication competition is organized by EURAXESS annually in different locations worldwide where the network is present (Brazil, China, India).


Researchers (from masters students to advanced researchers) of all nationalities and research fields currently based in Brazil (including social sciences and humanities).




Watch 2013 presentations

You can watch all presentations held at the EURAXESS Science SLam 2013 finals here.

Seven finalists

Milene Möller, PhD student in Genetics and Plant Breeding won over the audience of nearly 100 scientists, members of the researcher community and wide public at the EURAXESS Science Slam Brazilfinals which were held on 24 September 2013 in Rio de Janeiro.

Thanks to her excellent communication skills, the young researcher captured the audience and the jury with a funny and interactive presentation of her work at the Laboratory of Genetic Diversity and Plant Breeding at "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture (ESALQ), University of Sao Paulo. She works, more specifically, on soybean resistance to stink bugs.

The second place went to the veterinary Aline Rapello, who used capoeira, the Brazilian martial art, to illustrate the difficulties faced by Brazilian researchers in their projects and administrative processes.

The five other successful finalists were Marcela Uliano, Luiz Marcelo Santos, Sílvia Maciel,Vanja Dakic and Gabriel Andreuccetti. They used diverse presentations styles and tools. Marcela screened an animated cartoon on the genome sequencing of the golden mussel; Luiz Marcelo composed and sang music on a famous Brazilian melody about the effects of the federal cash transfer programme Bolsa Família in Guaribas, targeting one of the poorest city of the country. Silvia created a fairy tale atmosphere to narrate her research project on how, from a research game, children have managed to build meaning on their everyday life. Vanja Dakic, the only non-Brazilian candidate, used the metaphor of music to explain how chemicals can interfere with the functioning of human brain. Gabriel used Prezi to present 10 lessons learnt from his PhD study on drug problems.

The jury

The jury was composed of:

  • the two EURAXESS Links Brazil country representatives, Charlotte Grawitz and Paulo Lopes;
  • the Brazil Science & Innovation counsellor of the EU Delegation to Brazil, Piero Venturi;
  • the scientific direction assessor from the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Leila Pontes;
  • the biologist and teacher at the Federal university of Rio de Janeiro, Mauro Rebelo;
  • and the project manager in higher education at British Council, Aliandra Barlete.

The EURAXESS Science Slam was open to young researchers of any nationality and any discipline working as a PhD or post-doctoctoral researcher to showcase their work in a creative manner and to engage with each other.

The event was organized by EURAXESS Links Brazil with the institutional support of the Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). It was presented by the journalist Sergio Brandão.


Milene won a trip to Brussels in Belgium. There, she joined by the champions of the Science Slams that took place concurrently in the other EURAXESS Links hubs ASEAN, China, India, Japan and North America. She made new frineds and contacts in Europe.

See more

Event videos on our EURAXESS Brazil Channel on Youtube

Other pictures on Facebook here. Watch the trailer.