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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS15 Dec 2019News

Postdoctoral research grants in Catalonia - Beatriu de Pinós Programme 2019 (MSCA-COFUND)


The Beatriu de Pinós (BP) Programme grants the contract of outstanding postdoctoral researchers to enhance their career perspectives and assist them in obtaining an independent research position. This grant provides financial support to individual mobility proposals presented by postdoctoral researchers in liaison with a host organisation established in Catalonia.

Postdoctoral researchers applying to this action need to develop a research and training project for the total duration of the grant (3 years) that will enable them to progress in the development of their career. The grant is expected to be part of a structured, long-term Personal Career Development Plan that is coherent with past achievements and clearly defines the future aims of the researchers.

WHO? Grants are directed to researchers of any nationality who must:

  • Be in possession of a PhD degree obtained between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2017.
  • Have, at the time of joining the host organisation, a minimum of two years of postdoctoral experience outside Spain.

WHAT? A monthly living allowance of €44,100 per year, which covers the fellow’s gross salary costs composed by net salary and adequate and equitable social security provisions income tax and the employer’s charges. Plus, a research and training allowance of €4,000 per year. The BP grants have duration of 3 years.

The BP programme has a bottom-up approach, i.e. research topics are chosen freely by the applicants. For evaluation reasons, proposals are classified under seven major areas of Science known as 'panels'. The seven ;panels correspond to the following research topics: science; life sciences; natural and agri-food sciences; medical and health sciences; engineering, technology and architecture; social sciences; arts and humanities.

More information here. You can also check the guide for applicants.

Deadline: 3 February 2020.