Open to Master, PhD and post-doc from 22 Brazilian states. All areas. Deadline: 8 August 2017.
The project aims at facilitating and supporting effective collaboration between Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) and the Italian Network to further scientific, technological and innovation cooperation, through the mobility between the two countries of Master students (Mestrado and Laurea Magistrale students), PhD students, and post docs.
Mobility programme duration ranges from 2 to 12 months for sandwich PhD, Post-Doc and Master and 3 years for full PhD.
The candidates have to be resident in Brazil, in one of the states listed below whose State Funding Agencies (FAP) participate in the call. Candidates already living and/or studying in Europe will not be considered.
Eligible candidates are :
- PhD students
- Master students
- Post-doctoral researchers
based in universities and research institutions from the Brazilian States participating in this call as listed below:
- Alagoas (Fapeal),
- Amapá (Fapeap),
- Amazonas (Fapeam),
- Bahia (Fapesb),
- Distrito Federal (FAPDF),
- Espírito Santo (Fapes),
- Goiás (Fapeg),
- Maranhão (Fapema),
- Mato Grosso (Fapemat),
- Mato Grosso do Sul (Fundect).
- Minas Gerais (Fapemig),
- Pará (Fapespa),
- Paraíba (Fapesq),
- Paraná (Fundação Araucária),
- Pernambuco (Facepe),
- Piauí (Fapepi),
- Rio de Janeiro (Faperj),
- Rio Grande do Norte (Fapern),
- Santa Catarina (Fapesc),
- São Paulo (Fapesp),
- Sergipe (Fapitec),
- Tocantins (Fapt).
Please, check aditional criteria that may be required by your local FAP.
The candidates have to make contact with one of the Italian Universities sharing their academic interests to ask for an acceptance letter.
The participant FAP will offer scholarships and/or mobility support to the Brazilian candidates who have received an acceptance letter from one Italian University, member of the Italian Network. The candidate must submit the documentation required by CONFAP except for those from the State of São Paulo who directly apply to FAPESP. Each candidate can submit only one application.
All disciplinary fields including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.
Language proficiency level required for each mobility will be published in the academic offer. In the majority of cases, English will be the language required.
Facilities offered to Brazilian candidates :
Sandwich PhD/Post-Doc/Master students will not pay any fee for the mobility period.
Candidates can take advantage of the wide offer of facilities for international researchers/doctorate students provided by each host University: library and documentary services providing support for studies, teaching, research, professional and cultural activities. They will have access to rooms, study facilities, libraries, laboratories and any other service like any international researcher/doctorate student.
All practical details concerning the mobility period as well as certificates needed should be discussed with the host university.
Obligations of the grant holder
The grant holder must comply with the legal requirements, in term of insurance and immigration (visa, etc.) of the host country and University.
Administrative Fees
Full PhD students will pay the enrolment fees (if any) and taxes set by each Italian University according to its own regulations; this only applies o to the PhD enrolling for the entire degree at an Italian University.
Find here the academic offers of the Italian network related to each mobility level for the Brazilian candidates
More details on conditions for Brazilian applicants here.
Italian candidates (sandwich PhD, master students and post doc) can apply for a research period in Brazil.
The candidate has to be enrolled or affiliated to one of the Italian Universities taking part in the network.
At the end of the process, the Italian candidates will require an invitation letter from one Brazilian University or from the Official Coordinator of the PhD School. Additional documents can be required by the single FAP or by the hosting Brazilian institution.
Funds for the Italian candidates will be granted by their home institution in Italy. For further information please contact the home Institution (International Relations Office/PhD Office contacts).
All disciplinary fields including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering.
In the majority of cases, English will be the language required. In specific disciplinary fields or in specific Brazilian universities, Portuguese language proficiency could be required.
Fees: Sandwich PhD/master students/post doc will not pay any fee for the mobility period.
More details on the conditions for Italian applicants here
Deadline: 8 August 2017