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NEWS10 Mar 2017News

Maria Zaira Turchi, president of FAPEG, is elected president of CONFAP


At the occasion of the CONFAP forum held in São Paulo on 9 and 10 March 2017, the president of the State of Goias Research Foundation (FAPEG), Maria Zaira Turchi was elected president of the Brazilian Council for the State Funding Agencies (CONFAP).

Since 2013, CONFAP was directed by Sergio Luiz Gargioni, president of the Santa Catarina State Research and Innovation Support Foundation,

During the opening session of the CONFAP Forum, Gargioni was honoured by his colleagues and by the former president of CONFAP, Mario Neto Borges, who is now president of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

As stated by the ambassador of the European Union to Brazil, João Cravinho in his opening speech, Gargioni played a significant role in the internationalization of CONFAP. He performed many missions to Brussels and European member states and associated countries. In October 2016, Sergio Luiz Gargioni signed the so called implementing arrangement with the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, to encourage young Brazilian scientists to join European Research Council (ERC)-grantees' research teams, conducting frontier research across Europe. 


About Maria Zaira Turchi

Maria Zaira Turchi was born in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. She holds a PhD in Literature (1999) and is a Professor at the Federal University of Goiás - UFG. At the University she has served as Coordinator of Postgraduate Programmes and as Dean of Faculty of Linguistics and Literature. She is a researcher in the fields of literary criticism and anthropology with books and papers published. Currently she is President of Goiás State Research Foundation - FAPEG, and has just been elected President of the Brazilian National Council for the State Funding Agencies - CONFAP.

Click here to contact Prof Maria Zaira Turchi.

Read here her interview with EURAXESS published at the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2016


About the Brazilian National Council for the State Funding Agencies CONFAP:

CONFAP (Brazilian National Council for the State Funding Agencies) is a non-profit organization. It was created in 2006 to articulate the interests from Brazilian State Funding Agencies, among other goals.

CONFAP is a key actor of the EU-Brazil cooperation in science, technology and innovation. It hosts MSCA national contact point since 2016 and signed the implementing arrangement with ERC.

Elisa Natola is CONFAP’s Advisor for EU-Brazil International Cooperation and the National Contact Point Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – MSCA.

The 26 members that compose CONFAP meet in National Forums generally 4 times per year
