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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS14 May 2021News

France-Brazil: Funding for research projects on biodiversity in the neotropical realm (SYNERGY)


In partnership with SinBioseFAPESP, and LabEX CEBA, the French Foundation for Biodiversity Research (FRB) opens a call for research projects through its Center for Biodiversity Synthesis and Analysis (CESAB), to fund two innovative research projects on biodiversity in the neotropical realm. The submitted projects can be in the fields of natural sciences and/or social and human sciences and should aim at developing the synthesis of ideas and concepts and/or the analysis of existing data.

The call is restricted to terrestrial biomes only (i.e., excluding marine biology) and to tropical South America, Central America and/or Caribbean Islands.

The selected projects will be funded for a period of three years, including: the recruitment of a post-doctoral fellow based in Brazil and working on the project for two years, the organization of four meetings (two in France, at CESAB in Montpellier and two in Brazil in the state of São Paulo) and the promotion and publication of the results. Logistical, technical and administrative support will also be provided.  

The projects will be coordinated by two co-PIs, one affiliated to a French research institute and the other with a laboratory in the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil, and will be made of 10 experts in total.

Examples of research topics include:

  • the state and dynamics of biodiversity,
  • the relationship between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and services,
  • the relationship between biodiversity and anthropogenic pressures,
  • the role of evolutionary processes in biodiversity dynamics,
  • socio-ecosystems and access to biological resources, law and governance of biodiversity uses, biodiversity conservation,
  • the relationship between biodiversity and human health, etc...

Examples of synthesis groups funded by the CESAB and SinBiose can be found here:


More information here

Deadline for pre-proposals: 30 July 2021.

Deadline for submission of full-proposals: 10 December 2021.