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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS31 Oct 2018News

CNPq funds Brazilian participation in Horizon2020 calls (co-funding)


The Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) has released an important document for Brazilian researchers and research institutions. The Guidelines for the preparation of research proposals for the CNPq in collaboration with proposals submitted to EU Horizon 2020 intends to set the rules for Brazilian parts willing to have research and innovation co-financing grants from H2020 programmes. In these guidelines, it is specified that researchers eligible for funding by the CNPq can use the normal modes of funding offered by the Council to support their participation in H2020 proposals.

This important milestone is a direct outcome of the administrative arrangement to enhance EU-Brazil coooperation in research and innovation signed in May 2018, by the European Commission, CNPq, FINEP and CONFAP.

How does it work?

Brazilian researchers who are participating in specific H2020 projects may request the support of CNPq, which will evaluate the possibilities of funding.

The submissions of these requests should be made within the deadlines defined in the specific H2020 calls and taking into account the characteristics detailed in the aforementioned Guildelines. They will be evaluated according to processes defined by CNPq.

Any call from the Horizon2020 is eligible for co-funding by the CNPq (co-funding must be approved though). The EU Delegation to Brazil has elaborated a list with specific calls that might be interesting for Brazilian institutions to take part in. This list is available here.

Check more information here in Portuguese, as well as on the attached file (Guidelines).

If you want to know more about Horizon2020, you can also check a great guide on it produced by INCOBRA here.

Contacts: CNPQ - / Horizon 2020: