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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS7 Dec 2017News

Call open: International CAPES PrInt Programme (Outgoing and domestic)


The Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) has launched the CAPES / PrInt programme, which will provide R$ 300 million annually to support institutional projects for internationalisation.

In total, up to 40 projects will be selected. Proposals must be submitted by institutions, in  English and Portuguese.

To participate in the selection, institutions must have at least four postgraduate programmes recommended by CAPES in the last two assessments and at least two PhD courses. Projects must last up to 4 years starting in August 2018.


The selected projects will receive resources for work missions abroad, scholarships in Brazil and abroad and include other funding actions duly approved by CAPES. The final result should be published in July 2018.

More details here

Deadline : 18 April 2018


Source : “CCS/CAPES”