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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS26 Nov 2019News

Call by Italy and Brazil: joint research projects in Brazilian and Italian institutions (Confap & Maeci)


This joint call by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Maeci) and the Brazilian National Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP) concerns joint research projects of “Particular Relevance”, where research activities are co-founded by both Parties. In Italy, this scheme requires about 50% co-funding by the proposing research institution.

Projects may be submitted in one of the following priority research areas:

  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Basic Sciences (Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics)
  3. Communicable diseases
  4. Distributed power generation from renewable sources
  5. Nutrition and metabolic diseases
  6. Precision Agriculture
  7. Space science
  8. Sustainable production and use of strategic minerals

Projects submitted in other research areas will not be considered for evaluation.

Eligibility conditions

For the Italian Party, the call is open to public or private research organizations. The Coordinator/Principal Investigator (PI) must hold:

  • Italian or any other EU nationality
  • legal residence in Italy
  • a permanent position, or a temporary position covering at least the time extent of the project

For the Brazilian Party the call is open to:

  • Coordinators/researchers, who are implementing research activities within Brazilian universities, institutes or research centres; 
  • Additional eligibility criteria may be requested by the supporting State Funding Agencies - FAPs, which shall, in such cases, publish specific guidelines;
  • Participants from Brazil must verify with their respective FAPs such rules and modalities.

The project proposals must be jointly elaborated and must be submitted by the Principal Investigators of both Parties, in the same priority area.

Proposals submitted to only one of the two Parties or in different areas will not be considered.

For the Brazilian side, in case of involvement of more than one State within the same proposal, the submission must be done by the Brazilian PI/Coordinator, on behalf of the other involved PIs from other Brazilian States.

List of participating FAPs and respective contacts, so as the allocated budget is listed below:

  • Alagoas – FAPEAL 50.000,00
  • Amazonas – FAPEAM 100.000,00
  • Espírito Santo – FAPES 100.000,00
  • Federal District – FAPDF 220.000,00
  • Goiás – FAPEG 110.000,00
  • Mato Grosso do Sul – FUNDECT 25.000,00
  • Minas Gerais – FAPEMIG 100.000,00
  • Pará – FAPESPA 30.000,00
  • Pernambuco - FACEPE 10.000,00
  • Rio de Janeiro – FAPERJ 300.000,00
  • Santa Catarina – FAPESC 100.000,00
  • São Paulo – FAPESP 320.000,00
  • Tocantins - FAPT 65.000,00

Project requirements

  • Projects must be written in English. Projects submitted in other languages will not be considered for evaluation
  • Projects must have the same duration of the Executive Protocol (three-years: 2020- 2022)
  • Each researcher can submit only one project proposal as Principal Investigator (PI).
  • For the Brazilian side, applicants must previously consult their respective FAP, which defines its specific eligibility conditions and project requirements.
  • In Italy, for projects involving experiments with animals, ethics approval by the competent Ethics Committee must be provided when submitting the proposal. The approval is mandatory to obtain formal authorization from the competent Ministry of Health to start the activities (D.Lgs 26_04/03/2014 and Directive 2010/63 EU). Projects involving experiments with human beings must be performed in accordance with the Directive 536/2014/EC. The Italian Principal Investigator should include a selfdeclaration of adhesion to the above cited rules in the text of the proposal.

Deadline: 24 January 2020

More information here.