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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

European Research Council Grants for Top Researchers from Anywhere in the World



EURAXESS Australia & New Zealand and the European Research Council (ERC), bring to you a webinar on ERC funding opportunities, with a focus on the coming Starting Grant call.

The ERC is the premier European funding organisation for excellent frontier research. It supports investigator-driven frontier research across all fields. It awards research grants to scientists and scholars from all over the world, both early-career and senior researchers, carrying out their ambitious research projects in all scientific disciplines in Europe.

This information session highlights how the ERC supports top researchers from anywhere in the world. Participants will learn about the different ERC Funding Schemes available and how to prepare a competitive application. The session will also entail information on existing bilateral schemes (Implementing Arrangements) between the ERC and Australia.

This session is directed at post-doctoral researchers and established researchers (PhD + 2 years experience) of all disciplines and all nationalities.

Watch the Recording Below


Date & Duration
Webinar, Australia


Agenda and Downloads:


Lucia Rubio Fernandez 

Lucía Rubio Fernández has a Biology degree from the University of Oviedo (Spain), where she comes from. She then moved to Brussels to do research on Phytorremediation at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and finally did a PhD in Protein Dynamics from the Vrije Universiteit Brussels. Since 2017, she is a Scientific Officer in the Life Sciences Department of the European Research Council Executive Agency.

Davide Innocenti 

Dr. Davide Innocenti is Project Adviser at Call and Project Follow-up Coordination Unit of the European Research Council Executive Agency. He is in charge of the implementation of visiting programmes for potential ERC applicants and international early-career scientists. He is a physicist by Sapienza University of Rome and doctor in Engineering by Tor Vergata University of Rome. After few posts in academia across Europe, working on superconductivity and multiferroic materials, he joined the Agency two years ago.


EURAXESS Australia & New Zealand and the European Research Council (ERC)


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