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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

Southeast Asia – Europe Joint Funding Scheme (JFS) launches Partnering Tool


The JFS Partnering Tool aims at linking ambitious researchers and innovators within Southeast Asia, within Europe, between the two regions and even beyond! To access the JFS Partnering Tool, just register with your e-mail address and a password.



Browse through existing Researcher Profiles, Project Ideas and Partner Requests!

As soon as you have created your account, you will be able to view and search information of those users that published a Researcher Profile under the JFS Partnering Tool.

To make sure that there are real people behind the profiles, we approve each Researcher Profile before it will be published in the JFS Partnering Tool. A Researcher Profile provides information about the origin, the affiliation and the specific expertise of a researcher. You may find CVs, publications, information about the working group and detailed descriptions of the field of research or innovation of the researcher. Further, you can browse through Project Ideas linked to the Researcher Profile, e.g. from researchers or innovators that plan to submit a project proposal under one of the open JFS Calls for Proposals. You will also have access to the Partner Requests from those researchers and innovators that are still searching for the right partner to complete their research consortium.

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About the SEA-Europe Joint Funding Scheme

The Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (JFS) is an instrument for the funding of bi-regional, multi-lateral research and innovation projects. The funding for the projects is provided by funding agencies or ministries at national, regional or local level from Southeast Asia and Europe. Each country funds "their own researchers" according to their own rules and in principle there is "no money crossing borders".


On a regular basis Joint Calls for Proposals are being launched in changing thematic areas which are of interest to the participating funders. In 2017 a first joint call in the thematic areas Health (Emerging Infectious Diseases/AMR) and Environment/Climate Change (Adaptation/Resilience of Food Production Systems, Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystems/Biodiversity) was successfully implemented.

Since then, JFS entered its second phase and four additional calls have been launched in 2019 and 2020, two on Science & Technology (TRL<4) and two on Innovation (TRL>3). The focus on Health (Infectious Diseases and Digital Health) is still an integral part of the project, as well as on the Bioeconomy. The new calls furhter include Nanotechnologies and Smart cities.

A typical project funded under the JFS would last for 3 years and usually costs such as personnel, (small) equipment, consumables, travel and workshops are eligible. Yet, this can vary from funder to funder since the national rules apply.

Beyond call launching activities, JFS also organises several events aiming at fostering scientific cooperation between Southeast Asian and European researchers such as matchmaking events.

To foster cooperation opportunities, JFS is also working on a partnering tool and lab tours opportunities.

The central management of the JFS is operated by the European Commission's Service Facility in Support of the Strategic Development of International Cooperation in Research and Innovation.