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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS24 Apr 2020opportunities

Newton Fund Impact Scheme / Institutional Links - Indonesia & Thailand eligible


Newton Fund Impact Scheme (NFIS) provides funding for current and previously funded Newton Fund grantees with the aim of maximising impact from Newton Fund activities.

The collaboration between UK and partner countries can build upon the original partnership or form a new partnership.

Eligible partner countries for the 2020 NFIS call for applicants

  • Egypt

  • Indonesia

  • Thailand

Other countries may be announced at a later date.

Grants will not be provided to support the continuation of existing activities. Applicants should make a strong case to demonstrate that proposals consist of new activities that build on the previous project and focus primarily on impact realisation.

The grants will provide funding targeting the following key areas:

Initiating or increasing policy impacts or user engagement: This may involve translating existing research or research outcomes into policy impacts, increasing engagement with users, measures to overcome identified barriers to impact or extending engagement into new user communities.

Initiating or increasing engagement with impact multipliers (e.g. businesses, NGOs or charities): This may involve moving research outcomes further along the translation pipeline or extending the outcomes into the commercial sector.


UK Grants can be up to a maximum of £160,000 for up to two years, dependent on the country. Please check Appendix 1 of the Guidelines for Applicants for Country specific guidance and grant contribution.

Further details are included in the Guidelines for Applicants (available in the Downloads section).

Eligibility criteria

Please check section 3 in the guidelines for applicants, as well as Appendix 2 to ensure your previous Newton Fund grant is eligible for funding under this scheme.

How to apply

Please first read the Guidelines for Applicants (available in the downloads section).

When you are ready to apply, click here to access the online application form

A copy of the application form is available in the downloads section below. Please note that this is for reference only and that all submissions must be received via the online form.


15 June 2020, 12:00 UK time.

Any applications received beyond the application deadlines as specified above will be deemed ineligible.


If you have any questions, please contact


Institutional Links provides grants for the development of research and innovation collaborations between the UK and partner countries. The British Council runs Institutional Links in partnership with research and higher education institutions globally.

We also deliver Institutional Links under the Newton Fund. Newton Fund Institutional Links grants facilitate research that tackles local development challenges such as extreme weather conditions, access to affordable health care, food and energy security.

These grants are funded under the Newton Fund, a UK Government initiative funded by the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), together with partner funders from around the world. The Fund aims to promote the economic development and welfare of either the partner countries or, through working with the partner country, to address the problems of low-income and vulnerable populations.

  • Priority areas: Partner countries may specify priority areas and will only accept applications within these. Priority areas are listed in the guidelines document.

  • ODA requirement: All applications must meet the required relevance to economic development or social welfare.

Partner Countries

  • Indonesia
  • Thailand
  • Turkey

Eligibility Criteria

  • Each proposal must have one Principal Applicant from the UK, as well as a Principal Applicant from the partner countries listed above.

  • Please download and view the list of eligible UK research institutions (available in the downloads section).

Other eligibility criteria apply - please see the applicant guidelines document (available in the downloads section).


12 June 2020, 16:00 UK time


If you have any questions, please contact

In your email, please specify that you are enquiring about the Newton Fund Institutional Links 2020 call.