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Singapore-Germany: A*STAR-DFG Joint Call on Sustainable Chemistry

ASTAR-DFG Joint Call on Sustainable Chemistry Banner

Recognising the importance of international collaboration in promoting scientific discoveries, the Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore (A*STAR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on research cooperation. To facilitate the support of collaborative work between Singaporean researchers and their German counterparts under this MoU, A*STAR and the DFG are pleased to announce a Lead Agency activity in the area of sustainable chemistry.

Chemistry and related fields play a major role for the design of materials and processes that minimise or eliminate the use and generation of substances, that negatively affect our environment. The aim of the joint call is to foster sustainable, environmentally friendly processes, which are vital for our future supply with necessary products for our everyday life as well as clean energy. The proposed Singaporean-German collaborative research projects must focus on curiosity-driven research related to sustainable chemistry and address research challenges related to environmental sustainability. Typical (but not exclusive) areas of sustainable chemistry include substitution of raw materials, resource-conserving chemistry and sustainable catalysis, sustainable computational / data driven chemistry.

The DFG does not allocate separate funds for this joint initiative. These opportunities follow the general funding guidelines and budget of A*STAR and the DFG. Proposals must succeed on the strengths of their intellectual merit and teams in comparison with other proposals.

Please find further details in the attached brief on:

  1. Eligibility
  2. Proposal Preparation and Submission
  3. Funding
  4. Equity and Diversity
  5. Good Research Practice
  6. Proposal Preparation and Submission
  7. Contact Details

Content extracted from Call for Proposal Brief

250317_IfW 24_A STAR-DFG Joint Call on Sustainable Chemistry.pdf
(982.38 KB - PDF)