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NEWS1 May 2023opportunities

NORWAY: 6 MSCA SEAS postdoctoral research fellow positions

Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability (SEAS)

Shaping European Research Leaders for Marine Sustainability (SEAS) is a postdoctoral research fellowship programme for 37 fellows launched and managed by the University of Bergen. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101034309.

In this third call, open April 1 – June 12, 2023, we invite talented experienced researchers to apply for 6 fellowships. Successful candidates will be employed in fixed-term fulltime postdoctoral research fellow positions at UiB.

The SEAS programme offers

  • high-quality inter- and transdisciplinary research and training opportunities in the area of marine sustainability supported by a supervision and inter-sectoral mentoring scheme
  • opportunity to transfer knowledge and skills between disciplines, organisations and sectors
  • a regional ecosystem of marine actors
  • structured skill-based training
  • high-quality working conditions
  • personal career support
  • academic freedom
  • equal opportunities

For more information see the SEAS webpage or send an email to

SEAS eligibility criteria and application requirements

Eligible applicants will be evaluated on transparent evaluation criteria by international experts. No restrictions by nationality, age, gender, ethnicity, disability/special needs, or social status will apply. Applications must be submitted through the Jobbnorge portal. Please read the details in the announcement of the individual positions and in the Guide for Applicants.


All 6 positions

About The University of Bergen (UiB) 

The University of Bergen is a renowned educational and research institution, organised into seven faculties and approximately 54 institutes and academic centres. 

The University of Bergen (UiB) is Norway’s largest marine university, with research and education of a high international standard and several world leading research environments.

Marine collaboration among the academic, business, government, and civil society (e.g., NGOs) sectors is particularly strong in the Bergen region, given the city’s long history as a maritime port and trading centre. UiB’s campus-area, Marineholmen, is a marine hotspot in Europe, with over 150 companies and organisations collaborating in seafood, energy, subsea technology, and other maritime activities. Many of these are partners of the SEAS programme.