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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
NEWS6 Jul 2023opportunities

Finland: FIMM-EMBL Group Leader in Molecular Medicine


The Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) is an international research unit focusing on human genomics and personalised medicine at the Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE) of the University of Helsinki - a leading Nordic university with a strong commitment to life science research.

FIMM is seeking outstanding candidates for positions of FIMM-EMBL Group Leader in Molecular Medicine

This group leader search is for 2-3 early-stage group leaders with significant international experience during their PhD and postdoc periods. The selected group leaders are expected to initiate a new independent research program in one of FIMM’s research fields.

FIMM promotes translational research, specifically focusing on human genomics for health and disease, functional precision medicine in cancer, digital diagnostics for precision medicine, and data science in population health. FIMM coordinates multiple large-scale research projects and globally unique data resources, such as FinnGenFinRegistry and the Finnish Twin Study and is responsible for profiling of cancer patients for the iCAN flagship project. FIMM also hosts the Academy of Finland’s Center of Excellence in Complex Disease Genetics, a collaborative program of computational, statistical, experimental and registry-based research in common diseases. Further information on the Research areas and Principal investigators can be found here,

We are interested in group leader candidates who can provide novel and complementary contributions to existing research at FIMM and the University of Helsinki more broadly. The group leader appointment is initially for five years with the potential of an additional four years based on evaluation by the FIMM Scientific Advisory Board. Given an outstanding evaluation, a tenure track assistant/associate professor position may be available at a relevant faculty of the University of Helsinki.

We are interested in candidates in the following fields: human genetics (including but not limited to focus on computational genetics), systems medicine, data science, population health and precision medicine. Candidates are expected to be able to leverage the data, infrastructure, expertise and networks available at FIMM, including the translational, clinical and wide industrial contacts. FIMM provides an attractive support package which includes the salary of the group leader, support to other personnel, consumables and modern laboratory and office facilities. The candidate is expected to significantly complement this budget through other national or international grants and/or industrial collaborations.

The group leader will enjoy access to the unique infrastructures available at the FIMM Technology Centre, at HiLIFE, at the national Biocenter Finland network and international capabilities provided by the EMBL.

Qualification requirements include an MD/PhD, PhD or equivalent degree, postdoctoral training and a track-record of high-impact publications in the top journals in the field and international mobility. Like a typical EMBL group leader position, the FIMM-EMBL molecular medicine group leader position is intended for an early-stage independent researcher, preferably a candidate who has reached a career level equivalent to that applicable for applicants to ERC Starting Grant. We expect that the group leader will engage in multidisciplinary research collaborations with other FIMM research groups, and with the life science community in Helsinki.

Applications should include a cover letter summarising the applicant’s career, past research accomplishments and future plans (max 2 pages), a CV and a list of publications (with 5 most significant publications indicated), a short research plan (max 5 pages) with a summary of expected translational, medical or public health impact and the names of three references.

The top candidates will be invited to an interview with the international Evaluation Committee, as well as to provide a more detailed research plan and three letters of reference. We hope the new group leaders will be available to start their research at FIMM by the early 2024. ‘

To apply, please submit the application, together with your CV and a cover letter in PDF format through the University of Helsinki electronic recruitment system by clicking on the Apply link. Please apply no later than 6 September 2023.


For further information please visit our website or contact FIMM Director Samuli Ripatti fimm-director(at)

Information about the University of Helsinki International Staff Services In case you need support with the recruitment portal, please contact recruitment(at)