Come and Join the EURAXESS Mentoring Programme!
This initiative, as part of the EURAXESS TOP IV “Open to the World” project, aims to encourage and to facilitate the transnational mobility, by fostering cooperation between the researchers from European Research Area (ERA) and EURAXESS Worldwide countries. In the framework of this programme, experienced researchers will have the unique opportunity to mentor early stage researchers and support their integration and career development in international mobility perspective.
More specifically, among the Mentoring programme objectives are:
- to facilitate mobility of researchers,
- to encourage knowledge transfer and sharing of good practices,
- to raise awareness on the importance of soft skills for international mobility, and
- to strengthen the links between research institutions and academy from ERA and EURAXESS Worldwide.
On personal level, researchers, taking part in the mentoring programme will be able to strengthen and enlarge their personal professional network.
On an institutional level, researchers would be able to benefit from further opportunities for networking and partnering with research institutions outside the ERA community.
Benefits of taking part in the programme
The benefits of a mentoring relationship are valuable for both - mentees and mentors. You could develop new skills and knowledge, make new contacts and create a professional relationship with someone from another part of the world.
This Mentoring programme will bring to you an advantageous experience when you are:
considering or already stared a mobility project outside your country
willing to explore new professional networking opportunities
willing to improve your knowledge, skills and career perspectives
interested in international research collaboration
open to share skills, knowledge and experience
looking to widening your understanding on how other research organizations work
Key elements of the Programme
Two target groups: early stage researchers coming from third countries interested in international mobility in European country (mentees) and highly skilled researchers willing to support the integration of researchers coming from third countries in a European country (mentors). The programme also offers an opportunity to early stage researchers coming from European country (mentees) to enter a mentoring relationship with highly skilled researchers from third countries (mentors).
Six predefined topics of discussion:
Career Counseling, Publications and presentations
Advancing the professional networking opportunities
Introduction to Open Science policies
Career Opportunities outside academia
Funding opportunities.
Other topics can be included as per agreement by the mentor and mentee pair.
Virtual (online): mentoring will be organized online as per a schedule mutually agreed between the mentor and the mentee.
Duration: mentors and mentees are expected to have at least six online sessions within a maximum of six months period.
Voluntary: mentors and mentees willing to participate in the programme should do so on voluntary basis.
Language of the Mentoring programme and the mentoring relationship: English
Getting involved
As a Mentor
Mentors should be experienced researchers who feel that they could offer help and advice to early stage researchers. Mentors can be researchers who are:
having more than 4 years of research experience
currently working or having a significant research experience in an European country, or
currently working or having a significant research experience in a third country
As a Mentee
This mentoring programme is open to early stage researchers, interested in international mobility and gaining knowledge on advancing in a research career in European countries. Mentees can be researchers who are:
having none or between 1- 4 years of research experience
currently living or working in a third country
interested in working or having a research project in European country
The programme also offers an opportunity for early stage researchers coming from European countries who have interest in networking, mobility project or career in a third country, to establish a mentoring relationship with mentors coming from third countries.
The mentee-mentor pairs will be automatically matched by the system based on two main criteria:
Research experience and
Country specific experience / interest
An introduction session about the Mentoring Programme and the Mentoring Plan will be provided by the Mentoring Programme Coordinator at the beginning of the mentorship relationship.
Click register to the EURAXESS Mentoring Programme.