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NEWS4 Mar 2022opportunities

Ireland: 18 Postdoc fellowships in HUMAN+ MSCA-COFUND project


HUMAN+ is a five-year international and interdisciplinary fellowship programme supporting interdisciplinary research between Computer Science and Arts & Humanities, supported by the prestigious European Commission, Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie CO-FUND Action. Note that the deadline below reflects the updated application deadline.

The program addresses human centric approaches to technology development. Appointing 18 two-year postdoctoral researchers over five years, the HUMAN+ Fellowship program will create meaningful dialogue across disciplines and sectors to develop a cadre of professional researchers who can generate unique broadly informed insights on how to build more human centred approaches into new technological developments which ensure better long-term outcomes for the individual and wider society.

Led by the Trinity Long Room Hub Arts and Humanities Research Institute (TLRH) and ADAPT, the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Digital Content Innovation, at Trinity College Dublin, HUMAN+ will allow for interdisciplinary research approaches, integrating insights from the arts, humanities and computer sciences. It is a research program informed and enriched by the real-world experience and perspectives of a variety of partners from across enterprise and other sectors and includes mandatory secondments (with enterprise defined in the broadest sense to include the cultural and creative sectors and NGOs).

HUMAN+ seeks to recruit 18 world leading researchers who understand technology as well as humanistic principles to conduct two-year postdoctoral research fellowships in Ireland addressing human-centric approaches to technology development.

To facilitate the strong interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral nature of the program HUMAN+ is structured according to two programmatic Strands (representing the multidisciplinary approach – Arts & Humanities / Computer Sciences & Engineering), Clusters (broad research areas), and Themes (which provide further detail into the potential Supervisor’s area of research).


Applicants may be of any nationality.

  • Applicants must comply with the relevant HUMAN+ Mobility Rule (full details on the guide for applicants below). A relaxed mobility rule is used to encourage applications from ‘Career Restart’ or ‘Reintegration’ Fellows. (Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account for mobility)

  • Applicants must be fluent in English (written and spoken).

  • Applicants must agree to the program’s Terms & Conditions (Separate document, available on the HUMAN+ website).

  • Applicants must be an Experienced Researcher in a research area that is of relevance to the HUMAN+ research strand they are applying to i.e. applicants applying to strand 1 and strand 2 17 must at the time of the application cut-off date have a PhD or have at least 4 years full-time equivalent (FTE) research experience (in academia or industry) in a research area that is relevant to either strand 1 or strand 2 of the HUMAN+ program. FTE research experience is measured from the date when a researcher obtained the degree which would formally entitle him or her to embark on a doctorate, either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited or seconded, irrespective of whether or not a doctorate is or was ever envisaged.

Full eligibility criteria is on the Guide for Applicants.


Recruited Fellows will:

  • Be provided with a 24-month fully paid Fellowship based in either the Trinity Long Room Hub or the ADAPT Centre

  • Be supported by a dedicated multidisciplinary and intersectoral supervisory team consisting of a Primary Supervisor from their chosen disciplinary area, a Co-Supervisor from the alternate strand and an enterprise mentor from their secondment organisation.

  • Deepen their disciplinary expertise while developing their interdisciplinary competencies through being trained in the methodologies and theoretical foundations of the arts and humanities and information sciences alike.

  • Benefit from structured career development planning.

  • Undertake transferable skills training.

  • Undertake a mandatory secondment in the non-academic sector during their Fellowship lasting between three to six months, integrating an important inter-sectoral component into the program and ensuring that the skills and knowledge that Fellows develop are relevant and promote job readiness in sectors including but also outside academia.

  • Participate in a ‘Future Lab’ which will bring the fellows together to test, learn, invent, cocreate, and build solutions in response to problems set by our enterprise partners at the beginning of the fellowship.




Application Deadline: 13 March 2022.