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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

How to do a funded PhD in Europe: Roundtable with MSCA Fellows from ASEAN



This session has now ended. Please find the recording below.


Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) offer funding for PhD students to carry out their doctoral research across Europe. They are part of the European Commission’s Horizon Europe research funding programme and are the main EU programme for doctoral training. Thousands of PhDs are being funded under the MSCA!

MSCA funding for PhD students is offered within university partnerships called Innovative Training Networks (ITN).

MSCA funding is open to PhD students of all disciplines, irrespective of nationality, for up to four years. It covers full costs of accommodation and travel, as well as providing a monthly living allowance.

Join us for this 1 hour webinar to find out about the opportunities to carry out doctoral training in Europe in a MSCA ITN.

MSCA Fellows from ASEAN will share their experience, tips & advice!

This webinar is open to researchers of all nationalities and disciplines who are keen to find out more about PhD opportunities in MSCA funded programmes in Europe.

The event will start at 10am Central European Time (GMT + 7). Please do make sure to check the local time from where you will be joining.

The webinar will be held in English.



Date & Duration
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



"PhD training in Europe: What are MSCA Innovative Training Networks and how can researchers in ASEAN participate", Dr Susanne Rentzow-Vasu & Dr Jenny Elmaco, Regional Project Coordinators, EURAXESS ASEAN

"My experience as a MSCA-funded PhD candidate in Europe" - Early career researchers from ASEAN share their story and advice.

Interactive Q&A





Adiguna BAHARI,Cargill R&D Centre Europe / KU Leuven Laboratory of Food Technology (Belgium)

Growing up, I had a fascination to explore the world and experience other cultures. Having completed my Bachelor's degree in Agriculture from Japan, my Master's degree in Food Science from the United States, I am now pursuing my PhD in Bioengineering under the FOODENGINE Project (Marie Curie Innovative Training network) with Cargill R&D Centre Europe and KU Leuven. My interests in science, food and agriculture opened up doors to a field I did not know existed before and I am excited to make my mark. In my spare time, I love to play sports, hang out with friends or immerse myself in a good fiction book.


Tiffany PATRA, University of Copenhagen, Department of Food Science, Design and Consumer Behaviour Section (Denmark)

Indonesian Tiffany Patra is an ITN Fellow on the FOODENGINE consortium ( She is currently pursuing her doctoral research in Food Science at the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). Her PhD research addresses oat-based drink stability through the means of spectroscopy and chemometrics. The project is a collaboration between UCPH (Denmark), Döhler GmbH (Germany), and KU Leuven (Belgium). Tiffany is passionate about food and aspires to improve the greater adoption of plant-based food. In her spare time, she is fond of cooking, knitting, and taking a leisure walk in the park.


Fernando LIT, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

Fernando Lit carries out his doctoral studies as an early stage researcher on the Circular Plastics MSCA-funded Network for Training (C-PlaNeT) (, a project aiming to bring plastics into the circular economy. His research focuses on the development of new strategies and business models for the transition to a circular economy. The title of Fernando's PhD Project is "New Strategies and Business Models for a Circular Plastics Transition". In his spare time, Fernando likes traveling and conversations over coffee.




Minh NGUYEN-QUANG, Laboratoire de Catalyse & Spectroscopie (LCS), ENSICAEN – CNRS, France

Minh is a PhD student on the Innovative Training Network (MSCA ITN) PIONEER. He has been working on optimizing plasma configurations at Laboratoire de Catalyse & Spectroscopie (LCS), ENSICAEN – CNRS under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Federico Azzolina-Jury. His secondment will be spend at AGH University of Science and Technology which is located in Kraków, Poland with the instruction of co-supervisor, Professor. Monika Motak. Minh holds a Bachelor’s from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, School of Chemical Engineering (2017). He was a Master's student a Leibniz-Institut für Katalyse e.V. laboratory where he successfully modified catalyst for DeNOx reaction via discrepancy of catalytic synthesis methods.

For Minh, moving to the new Plasma-catalysis field represents both an opportunity and a challenge. With his research he hopes to contribute to globally sustainable development as well as plasma field.


