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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

European Research Day Malaysia 2020 - Virtual Edition



This event has now ended. The recordings of all sessions including presentation slides are now available for dowload here.

International cooperation in science, research and innovation is as important as ever before! The current COVID-19 pandemic has placed further emphasis on the importance of researchers across the globe to join forces in the quest to find sustainable solutions to global challenges. The European Union and its Member States are not only key global players in research and innovation, they also remain strong partners to Malaysia and the wider ASEAN region.

The European Research Day has been the annual flagship event of EURAXESS ASEAN for the past 5 years. In 2020 we will continue this successful series albeit in a virtual format. EURAXESS ASEAN is proud to present to you a series of 12 webinars detailing the diversity of opportunities for research collaboration with European partners or research stints in Europe that are open to researchers in Malaysia and the wider ASEAN region.

Highlights include a dialogue session organised in partnership with YSN-ASM on how to build an international research network – and how to maintain it during a pandemic. Particpants will have the opportunity to learn from and engage with Malaysian and ASEAN participants in EU-funded research projects to take notes for their own career path.

Participants are also invited to join a two-part training series on scientific publishing to help them improve the visibility of their research output towards potential collaborators and funders.

EURAXESS ASEAN is proud to be joining forces with the EU Member States and the EU Delegation to Malaysia in the organisation of this event series. We are very grateful for the support of the Young Scientists Network - Academy of Sciences (YSN-ASM), the SEA Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) and our colleagues at DG EAC, European Commission, Brussels for their support!

What is happening?


Who should attend?

This event is of open to researchers of all nationalities. It is addressed at PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, and established researchers of all disciplines. Representatives of university research support offices and international relations offices are very welcome to join.

How much is it?

The event is free of charge!

How do I join?

Each session will take place in form of a webinar.

You will find the registration link for each webinar in the agenda here or below.

Please note that you must register for each webinar you wish to attend separately!

After registration you will receive a confirmation email detailing the necessary steps to follow. When joining a webinar, please follow the instructions for downloading/installing the necessary software, if it is not available on your computer already. As participant you will the opportunity to raise questions via the chat-window.

Each session will be moderated and contains a Q&A session.


Please contact


Date & Duration
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia







EURAXESS ASEAN in collaborarion with the EU Member States and the EU Delegation to Malaysia