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EURAXESS Researchers in motion

European Research Day Indonesia 2020 - Virtual Edition



EURAXESS ASEAN is proud to present to you European Research Day Indonesia 2020 - our annual flagship event and our committment to the research community across ASEAN to provide information and support for scientific exchange and collaboration with their peers in Europe!

Europe is open to the world and we invite you to take part in 'ERD2020' to find out about the many research opportunities that are waiting for you!

  • In 2020, European Research Day Indonesia will be opened by H.E. Vincent Piket, Ambassador, EU Delegation to Indonesia & Brunei Darussalam and H.E. Prof Bambang Brodjonegoro, Indonesia's Minister for Research & Technology.

  • Our opening high-level dialogue "Stronger Together: The Importance of International Scientific Collaboration During and After A Pandemic" will see interventions by high profile speakers from Indonesia and Europe;

H.E. Vincent Piket, Ambassador, EU Delegation to Indonesia & Brunei Darussalam,

Prof Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, interim President of the European Research Council (ERC),

Prof Sangkot Marzuki, President of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences,

Dr Teguh Rahardjo, Executive Director of DIPI.

  • Particpants will have the opportunity to learn from and engage with Indonesia and ASEAN participants in EU-funded research projects who have made the world their lab!

  • We are partnering with Taylor & Francis to bring you an exclusive training session on "How to get published in a peer-reviewed journal".

  • We invite you to engage with our expert speakers from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Slovakia to identify opportunities for research collaboration and career advancement!

  • Join us for a dedicated information session on the EC's Green Deal Call and find out how you can participate.

EURAXESS ASEAN is proud to be joining forces with the European Union Member States and the European Union Delegation to Indonesia in the organisation of this event! We are very grateful for the support of the Indonesia Young Academy of Sciences for their support!

What is happening? (Please note that the information on speakers/panelists will be completed in the next few days)

Plase note that time stated is local Indonesia/Jakarta time (GMT+7)

Date & Time


Registration link


Monday, 19 October

4pm – 5pm

ERD 2020 Opening speeches


"The Importance of scientific collaboration during and after a pandemic"

Click here to register for this session


Monday, 19 October

6pm – 7pm

"The World Is My Lab: How I am Building My International Research Career"

Click here to register for this session


Tuesday, 20 October

11am – 12noon

"Research Partners in Focus: Germany"

Click here to register for this session


Tuesday, 20 October

4pm – 5pm

"Research Opportunities in Austria - an overview"

Click here to register for this session


Tuesday, 20 October

6pm – 7pm

"European Research Partners in Focus: France"

Click here to register for this session


Wednesday, 21 October

4pm – 5pm

"Boost Your Research Career in Europe - Funded PhD and Postdoc Opportunities"

Click here to register for this session


Wednesday, 21 October

6pm – 7pm

"European Research Partners in Focus: the Netherlands"

Click here to register for this session


Thursday, 22 October

4pm – 5pm

"Luxembourg – small country, huge opportunities for researchers"

Click here to register for this session

Thursday, 22 October

6pm – 7pm

"National Research Highlights, Collaboration & Funding Opportunities in Slovakia"


Click here to register for this session

Friday, 23 October

4pm – 5pm

"Increasing Your Global Footprint: How to get published in a peer-reviewed journal" (Taylor & Francis)

Click here to register for this session

Monday, 26 October

3pm – 4pm

“The European Green Deal and the €1 billion Research and Innovation Call”


Click here to register for this session

Monday, 26 October

5pm – 6pm

"European Research Partners in Focus: Finland --- Bioeconomy Defines the Future / facilitated by theLappeenranta University of Technology



This webinar is part of the "Future is Made in Finland – want to be part of it?" webinar series.

Please register for this session on the website of our colleagues



Who should attend?

This event is of open to researchers of all nationalities. It is addressed at PhD candidates, post-doctoral researchers, and established researchers of all disciplines. Representatives of university research support offices and international relations offices are very welcome to join.

How much is it?

The event is free of charge!

How do I join?

Each session will take place in form of a webinar.

You will find the registration link for each webinar in the agenda above. The programme is also attached below in PDF format.

Please note that you must register for each webinar you wish to attend separately!

After registration you will receive a confirmation email detailing the necessary steps to follow. When joining a webinar, please follow the instructions for downloading/installing the necessary software, if it is not available on your computer already. As participant you will the opportunity to raise questions via the chat-window.

Each session will be moderated and contains a Q&A session.


Please contact




Date & Duration
Jakarta, Indonesia


EURAXESS ASEAN in collaborarion with the EU Member States and the EU Delegation to Indonesia