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NEWS9 Oct 2023News

Europe - 10 PhD positions in carbonation process within the CONTRABASS MSCA doctoral network


CONTRABASS is offering 10 PhD positions in several universities, research centres and industries in Europe.

CONTRABASS is a MSCA doctorate network (DN) focused on the fundamental physico-chemical processes governing the Carbonation of the clinker phases and the cement paste, as well as the subsequent formation of Calcium Carbonate Cements (CCCs).

Who is eligible

Doctoral Candidates (DC):

  • Must hold a Masters degree or an equivalent degree in chemistry, material science, physics or engineering that give access to a doctoral degree

  • Must not have a doctoral degree at the date of their recruitment 

  • Can be of any nationality

  • Should comply with the mobility rules: the DC must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date

What is offered

  • A living allowance (86 000 € to 168 000 € depending on the hosting country)

  • A mobility allowance (21 600 €)

  • If applicable, family, long-term leave and special needs allowances (18 000 €)

In addition, funding is provided to the host institution to cover the research, training and networking activities during the PhD.


DC Project 1: Carbonation of calcium silicates and synergy with aluminates

Host: Rheinisch- Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (Germany). Dr. Fabien Georget and Prof. Thomas Matschei. Application Deadline 31/10/2023

DC Project 2: Carbonation of magnesium silicates and synergy with calcium silicates

Host: University of Oulu (Finland). Prof. Paivo Kinnunen, Dr. Hoang Nguyen. Application Deadline 31/10/2023

DC Project 3: Atomistic modelling of C-S-H carbonation and CaCO3 speciation 

Host: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS (France). Dr. Christophe Labbez. Application Deadline 31/10/2023

DC Project 4: Fundamental mechanism of C-(A)-S-H carbonation

Host: Norwegian university of Science and Technologym, NTNU (Norway). Dr. Malene Pedersen and Prof. Metter. Geiker. Application Deadline 31/10/2023

DC Project 5: Ab inition phase diagram of CaCO3 polymorphs

Host: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS, SIMAP (France). Prof. Alexander Pisch. Application Deadline 31/10/2023

DC Project 6: Nucleation and growth rated of CaCO3 in cement

Host: Université Grenoble-Alpes, ISTERRE (France). Dr. Alejandro Fernández-Martínez. Application Deadline 31/10/2023

DC Project 7: Atomistic modelling of CaCO3 (pre)nucleation and growth 

Host: University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU (Spain). Prof. Hegoi Manzano. Application Deadline 31/12/2023

DC Project 8: The social live of Calcium carbonate cements

Host: AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland). Prof. Jacek Gądecki and Prof. Łukasz Afeltowicz. Application Deadline 31/10/2023

DC Project UK1: Atomistic modelling of Calcium Silicates and Aluminates carbonation

Host: Surrey University (UK). Prof. David Faux and Dr. Anh Phan, Application Deadline 31/10/2023

DC Project UK2: Recycling waste concrete fines through carbonation

Host: Imperial College London (UK). Prof. Hong Wong and Prof. Chris Cheeseman, Application Deadline 31/10/2023

Full description of projects here.

How to apply

Applicants must send their applications by email to with the subject "Contrabass Application DC#", where # is the number of the DC project of interest. The DC project of interest must also be clearly stated in the Motivation Letter. Send the requested information in separated pdf files. 

Deadline: varied, please notice that each DC project has its specific deadline.

More information