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MSCA-PF: Joint application at the University of Granada. Department of Sociology – Macrosad Chair in Intergenerational Studies

30 Apr 2021

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EU Research Framework Programme


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Professor Mariano Sánchez from the Department of Sociology – Macrosad Chair in Intergenerational Studies at the University of Granada, welcomes postdoctoral candidates interested in applying for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) in 2021 at this University. Please note that applicants must comply with the Mobility Rule (more information about the 2020 call:, the 2021 call is not yet open).

Brief description of the institution:

The University of Granada (UGR), founded in 1531, is one of the largest and most important universities in Spain. With over 60.000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and 6.000 staff. UGR offers a total of 89 degrees, 110 master’s degrees and 28 doctoral programmes through its 123 departments and 27 centers. Consequently, the UGR offers one of the most extensive and diverse ranges of higher education programmes in Spain.

The UGR has awarded with the "Human Resources Excellence in Research (HRS4R)", which reflects the UGR’s commitment to continuously improve its human resource policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. UGR is also a leading institution in research, located in the top of Spanish universities by a variety of ranking criteria, such as national R&D projects, fellowships awarded, publications, or international funding. UGR is one of the few Spanish Universities listed in the Shanghai Top 500 ranking - Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) ( The UGR is amongst the 201-300 first universities of the world, between 2nd-5th position of Spanish universities and number 1 in the Andalusian Region in the Shanghai Top 500 ranking. Specialties at UGR that stand out are Library & Information Science (position 32) and Food Science & Technology (position 36). Moreover, the UGR is also situated amongst the first 100 universities in Mining & Mineral Engineering between (76th-100th position), in Mathematics (between 76th-100th position) and in Hospitality & Tourism Management (between 76th-100th position). The edition of the ARWU places the UGR in 201-300th position in the world and as the 4th highest ranked University in Spain, reaffirming its position as an institution at the forefront of national and international research.

Additionally, the UGR has 8 researchers at the top of the Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) list in Computer Sciences & Engineering (position 101-150). It is also well recognized for its web presence (, being positioned at 43th place in the top 200 Universities in Europe.

Internationally, we bet decidedly by our participation in the calls of the Framework Programme of the European Union. For the duration of the last two Framework Programmes, the UGR has obtained a total of 67 projects, with total funding of 18.029 million euros, and for H2020, 118 projects with total funding around 29.115 million euros.

Brief description of the Centre/Research Group:

The Macrosad Chair in Intergenerational Studies was created in May 2018 thanks to an agreement between the University of Granada and Macrosad, a cooperative with more than 25 years of experience in the field of care provision and educational services for different age groups, which contributes to the well-being and happiness of people, and has become one of the leading organizations in Andalusia. Macrosad, educates and cares for people in their childhood and old age, applying intergenerationality as its unique identity within the socio-sanitary and educational fields. The Chair is a platform for the permanent transfer of knowledge between the field of Intergenerational Studies and the practice of intergenerational relations, especially among non-relatives. Its goal is to contribute to the fostering of relations between different generations as a means for promoting the well-being and socio-economic progress of individuals and communities, with particular attention to those generational groups that need more support.

To this end, the Chair carries out research, training, dissemination and other initiatives that make possible to develop intergenerational relations in Andalusia, Spain and in the international arena. Furthermore, with this Chair, Macrosad and the University of Granada aim to collaborate with socio-sanitary and socio-educational organisations that are interested in applying intergenerational approaches to better achieve their own objectives.

Project description:

The Macrosad Chair’s work focuses on research and development of innovative evidence-based intergenerational practices. In particular, Macrosad has created the first Intergenerational Reference Centre (CINTER) in Spain ̶ located in the town of Albolote (Granada) ̶ . The objective of the CINTER is to serve a community including children aged 0-3, elderly people who attend a day care centre, the families and caregivers of these generational groups, and a team of professionals in child education and geriatric care.

The Chair is currently studying ad-hoc processes of planning, organising and training for the day-to-day running of our evidence-based intergenerational centre (e.g., the design of appropriate intergenerational activities, the ongoing training of the centre's professionals, and so on). We are also trying to describe and explain through a multi-method approach what’s the form and extent of the psycho-emotional, physical and social impact that continued participation in evidence-based intergenerational practices is having on both the people involved and the community around. We are studying as well the best ways to do intergenerational activities with no physical contact in times of pandemic.

Upcoming projects shall also address the connection between age/generational segregation and ageism. In this sense, we are particularly interested in the study of evidence-based forms of intergenerational intervention capable of eroding ageism. The proposal of scientifically validated models of intergenerational spaces and places of various types is also in our agenda.

The work of the Chair includes the production of publications about the highest quality foundations for the design of intergenerational projects and spaces able to address various social problems.

Research Area:

  • Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)

For a correct evaluation of your candidature, please send the documents below to Professor Mariano Sánchez (

  • CV
  • Letter of recommendation (optional)

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