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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
International Research Projects Office
16 Apr 2024

Hosting Information

Offer Deadline
EU Research Framework Programme
Horizon Europe - MSCA


Organisation / Company
University of Granada
International Research Projects Office
Criminal Law
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Contact Information

Organisation / Company Type
Postal Code
Gran Vía de Colón, 48, 2nd floor


Professor Javier Valls Prieto, from the Department of Criminal Law. at the University of Granada, welcomes postdoctoral candidates interested in applying for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA-PF) in 2024 at this University. Please note that applicants must comply with the Mobility Rule (for more information about the 2024 call, please consult this link.

Brief description of the institution:

The University of Granada (UGR), founded in 1531, is one of the largest and most important universities in Spain. With over 56,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students and more than 6,000 members of staff, the UGR offers over 90 undergraduate degrees, 164 master’s degrees (8 of which are international double degrees) and 28 doctoral programmes via its 124 departments and nearly 50 centers. Accordingly, the UGR offers one of the most extensive and diverse ranges of higher education programmes in Spain.

The UGR has been awarded with the "Human Resources Excellence in Research (HRS4R)", which reflects the the institution’s commitment to continuously improve its human resource policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The UGR is also internationally renowned for its excellence in diverse research fields and ranked among the top Spanish universities in a variety of ranking criteria, such as national R&D projects, fellowships awarded, publications, and international funding.

The UGR is one of the few Spanish Universities listed in the Shanghai Top 500 ranking - Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). The 2023 edition of the ARWU places the UGR in 201-300th position in the world and as the 1-2 highest ranked University in Spain (, reaffirming its position as an institution at the forefront of national and international research. From the perspective of specialist areas in the ARWU rankings (, the UGR is outstanding in Food Science & Technology (ranked in the 48th position in the world), Hospitality & Tourism Management (ranked between 51th-75th position), and in the areas of Mathematics and Library & Information Science, both of them ranked between 76th-100th position. A little lower in the ranking, the UGR also stands out in the areas of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering and Nursing, in which the UGR is positioned at the rank in the 101-150th position. Finally, Dentistry & Oral Sciences is positioned between 151-200th position.

Additionally, the UGR counts with 9 researchers at the top of the Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) list, most of them related to the Computer Science scientific area. It is also well recognised for its web presence (, being positioned at 76th place in the top 200 Universities in Europe.

Internationally, the University of Granada is firmly committed to its participation in the calls of the Framework Programme of the European Union. For the duration of the last Framework Programme, Horizon 2020, the UGR obtained a total of 121 projects with a total funding of around €29,4 million. For the current Framework Programme, Horizon Europe, the UGR has obtained 74 projects, so far, with a total funding of almost €20 million.

Brief description of the Centre/Research Group:

The unit of excellence "Digital Society: Human Rights and Security" focuses on the study of technology from a legal point of view, understanding not only the internal analysis of the standard, but also the external analysis of the same, using mixed methodologies.

Project description:

The researcher will be able to join three main lines of research: Artificial Intelligence governance systems, human rights impact assessment  of AI systems and the use of intelligent systems in crime and security issues.

Governance focuses on two main aspects, the ethical principles and the regulatory framework of artificial intelligence.

Human rights assessment focuses on the impact of AI implementation in real uses cases.

The use by law enforcement focuses on cybercrime, use of crime prevention with predictive systems and the use of the technology by society.

Research Area:

☒ Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC)

☒ Information Science and Engineering (ENG)

For a correct evaluation of your candidature, please send the documents below to Professor Javier Valls Prieto ( 

  • CV
  • Letter of recommendation (optional)

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