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EURAXESS Researchers in motion
International Research Projects Office
28 Mar 2019

Hosting Information

Offer Deadline
EU Research Framework Programme
H2020 / Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions


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International Research Projects Office
Promotion and Advisory Unit
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Gran Vía de Colón, 48, 2nd floor


Professor Antonio Mihi Ramirez, from the Department of International and Spanish Economics at the University of Granada, welcomes postdoctoral candidates interested in applying for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSCA-IF) in 2019 at this University. Please note that applicants must comply with the Mobility Rule (more information:

Brief description of the institution:

The University of Granada (UGR), founded in 1531, is one of the largest and most important universities in Spain. It serves more than 60000 students per year, including many foreign students, as UGR is the leader host institution in the Erasmus program. UGR, featuring 3650 professors and more than 2000 auxiliary personnel, offers a total of 75 degrees through its 112 departments and 28 centers.

UGR is also a leading institution in research, located in the top 5/10 of Spanish universities by a variety of ranking criteria, such as national R&D projects, fellowships awarded, publications, or international funding. UGR is one of the few Spanish Universities listed in the Shanghai Top 500 ranking (, and it is also well recognized for its web presence (

Internationally, we bet decidedly by our participation in the calls of H2020, both at partner and coordination. For the duration of the Seventh Framework Programme, the UGR has obtained a total of 66 projects, with total funding of 17.97 million euros, and for H2020, until 2015, more than 25 projects with total funding of more than 6 million euros. Our more than 3,000 researchers are grouped into 365 research groups covering all scientific fields and disciplines.

Brief description of the Centre/Research Group

The University of Granada is the second oldest University of Europe (1531). It receives students and scholars from 114 countries and it is recognized for its excellence in research in many fields. Currently it is the second University of Spain according to the Shanghai international ranking (ARWU). In 2018 the number of published scientific papers indexed in Journal Citation Reports, JCR, was near 3500, of which more than half were in Q1 journals. In addition, Granada University is developing 26 research projects under FP7 and H2020 programs, and it is currently the second University of Spain concerning national research projects. The European Commission has granted to the University of Granada (UGR) the 'HRS4R' (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers) seal, which recognizes the efforts of research institutions and entities that finance R & D when adopting a series of good practices in hiring researchers and technical personnel. The Faculty of Economics and Management comprised more than 300 teachers and researchers in 25 departments. The Faculty is one of the bigger of Granada University, with 7,300 students enrolled in this faculty during the last academic year. It has also a preeminent place main as center of research. According to the impact factor, Economics is the 3th field of knowledge with a higher number of research papers of Granada University. Percentage of International authorship in these papers is near 50%. Concerning the Department of International and Spanish Economics, here, the research group SEJ-609 “Analysis of Migration, International Economics and Knowledge, AMIKO”, coordinated by prof. Antonio Mihi-Ramirez, is young research group focused on international Economics and migration. It is responsible of more than 10 research papers, 10 Phd thesis, 10 research projects, among others

Project description

This project is about reasons and positive and negative consequences of emigration in home countries. The impact of economic determinants and consequences on migration is widely addressed in the literature (Kvedaraite et al., 2015). The vast majority of researches, however, focus on host countries, studying determinants or reasons of immigration. However, migration means bidirectional flows that have also important and different reasons and consequences in the origin’s countries, especially in a time when economies are more connected and sensitive to international changes. In this sense, typical variables analyzed in the case of host countries should be tested equally to the origin countries. Firstly, the effects of migration between host and home countries differ due to five factors to them, such as: GDP status, Production, National income, Social welfare, Balance of Payments (see Swammy, 1985, in "Population and international migration"). Second, from the perspective of home countries, emigration has important consequences, such as an increase of unemployment, an increase of the dark economy, the loss of human capital, a decrease of the productivity, but it can also suppose the creation of networks of cooperation between emigrants and their countries of origin, the increase of remittances, an increase of international trade and foreign investment (see Todaro and Maruzko, 1987, in "International Migration"). Therefore, the aim of this project is the analysis of reasons and consequences of emigration in typical home countries, especially in the case Europe, an integrate economic area, and its partners. Since migration flows are dynamics and involve several countries, methodology attempts to use cross-sectional and longitudinal, such as panel data. Research plan: 1) review of the relevant literature, 2) proposal of a study model and design of measurement instruments, 3) field work, 4) information processing and 5) dissemination of results. Dissemination plan: joint actions with socio-economic agents and publication in ISI-JCR journals. The successful applicant is expected to contribute decisively to the research plan.  Also, ability to publish in English in peer-reviewed journals and excellent knowledge of statistic methodologies are of prime importance.

Research Area

Economic Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities (ECO-SOC)


For a correct evaluation of your candidature, please send the documents below to Professor Antonio Mihi Ramirez (

  • CV
  • Letter of recommendation (optional)

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